To ensure we offer contemporary continuing education opportunities, the CE credit associated with this video is expiring. In order to earn your CE credit, please watch the video and successfully pass the quiz before Wednesday, March 5, 2025. After this date, the video will remain available, however, it will no longer be eligible for CE credits.Abstract: People from all sorts of backgrounds--business and industry, government, biology, environmental science, community leaders, behavior analysis--share a common goal: a world made progressively healthier by humanity’s collective actions. To achieve that goal we cannot go our own separate ways; we must collaborate. Our different backgrounds mean that we each can contribute important perspectives and expertise to a collaborative effort, but our different backgrounds also can create stumbling blocks. This presentation will highlight the benefits and challenges of multidisciplinary collaboration and offer suggestions on how to make it work. Dr. Stratton will provide examples of successful collaborations on sustainability projects and offer suggestions for future efforts.
Review Jeanine Stratton’s biographical statement.