Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.

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Category: Learning Center Videos

2017 Annual Convention Video Package. Presentations plus 21 CEs.

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Opening Event and SABA Awards

Christoph F. B�rdlein, On Disseminating Behavior Analysis in an Anti-Behavioristic Environment: Behavior-Based Safety in Germany: Why
Radical Behaviorism is Essential for Organizational Behavior Management

Bjorn Brembs, Peering into Skinner's Black Box: The Evolutionary Conserved Neurobiology of Operant Learning

Sean D. Casey, Introductory Assessment and Treatment of Pediatric Feeding Disorders

Michael Dougher, Presidential Address: Identity

Michael T. Ghiselin, B. F. Skinner and the Metaphysics of Darwinism

Temple Grandin, Developing Individuals Who Have Different Kinds of Minds

Paul Ibbotson, The Cognitive and Social Foundations of Language Acquisition

Sheena Iyengar, In Search of the Authentic Self

Alex Kacelnik, Intelligent Behaviour of Animals and Plants

Joshua Anthony Lile, Cannabis Use Disorder: Determining Mechanisms and Developing Interventions

Robert Lustig, Darwin, Diet, Disease, and Dollars

Terje Ogden, The National Implementation and Evaluation of Parent Training in Norway

Eric Oleson, Behavioral Economic Applications Reveal a Role for Dopamine in the Valuation of Negative Reinforcement

Wendy Rogers, Psychological Research to Guide Technology Design that Supports Successful Aging

Susan Sheridan, Conjoint Behavioral Consultation: What Works, How it Works, and What it Means for Practice

Sandra and Martin Sundel, Teaching Principles of Behavior Analysis: An Evolving Model for Developing and Testing Knowledge and Skills

Lorri Shealy Unumb, Don Baer Lecture: Autism, ABA, and Health Care Fraud

Ryan Vandrey, Cannabis Dose-Effects Across Routes of Administration: Subjective, Performance, and Pharmacokinetic Differences

Matthew Whited, Treating Depression to Reduce Behavioral Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: A Preventive Behavioral Medicine Perspective

Steven Woolf, Applied Ethics for Practicing Behavior Analysts

  • Price: Non-Member: $249.00
  • Non-Member: $249.00


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