Strategic Plan
ABAI's strategic plan guides the Executive Council in determining objectives and programs to best support our field. The strategic plan provides continuity for council decision making over time and is reviewed every three years to assess how the association is meeting its goals.
Preserve, develop, and disseminate the science of behavior.
Mission Statement
To contribute to the well-being of society by supporting, developing, and enhancing the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis.
Overarching Directions
- Strengthen and expand the scientific analysis of behavior.
- Extend bridges to other disciplines.
- Be the home of the science of behavior: conceptual, experimental, and applied branches.
- Contribute to the well-being of society.
- Promote diversity in ABAI and the field.
Field of Behavior Analysis
- Research
To support and improve research on basic behavioral principles, expand the science, and erect bridges with other disciplines.
- Education
To recognize and support the provision of high-quality education in conceptual, basic, and applied behavior analysis.
- Practice
To support and improve the scientific application of behavior analysis in the broadest possible range of socially meaningful behavior change.
ABAI Organization
- Membership
To recruit, retain, and recognize members committed to preserving, developing, and disseminating the science of behavior.
- Chapters
To strengthen, support, and coordinate ABAI affiliated chapters committed to preserving, developing, and disseminating the science of behavior.
- Programs
To expand the reach of conceptual, experimental, and applied behavior science through conference programs and other events.
- Publications
To publish written high-quality scholarship that encompasses the breadth of behavior science.
- Communication
To communicate the contributions of behavior science to the general public.
- Council
To set policy, lead, and oversee the operation of all components of the organization in support of the ABAI mission.
- Administration
To implement the directions of the Executive Council, and to manage and continuously improve finances, administration, products, and services.