A. Charles Catania

University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Dr. A. Charles Catania is, without question, one of the major figures in the history of behavior analysis, recognized for his enormous range of contributions to both experimental and applied domains. He is particularly noted for his work in schedules, choice, timing, verbal behavior, quantitative analysis, and evolutionary biology. He did quite significant early work in behavioral pharmacology as well as in avian vision. He is the author of three of the top 30 most-cited articles in Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior (JEAB) and has edited or authored 10 books, including Learning, a major text in behavior analysis that has undergone three editions. He has published well over 100 research articles and book chapters. He was editor and review editor of JEAB and was president of the SEAB board four times. He was president of ABAI and Division 25 of APA, and is a Fellow in Divisions 3, 25, and 28. He has received many honors including a James McKeen Sabbatical Award, Fulbright Senior Research Award, Don Hake Basic/Applied Award from Division 25, Outstanding Contributor to Behavior Analysis Award from CALABA, and Outstanding Contributions to Psychology Award from MABA.