Jonathan Friedel

Georgia Southern University
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Jonathan E. Friedel earned his BS in Psychology from the University of Florida, his MS in Behavior Analysis from the University of North Texas, and his PhD in Psychology from Utah State University. He spent several years as a Research Psychologist at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. He is currently an Assistant Professor at Georgia Southern University. His main research interests are in the areas of decision making and data analytic practices in behavior analysis and experimental psychology. His more basic decision-making research focuses on behavioral economics processes, such as discounting or demand analyses. His more translational decision-making research focuses on factors that affect decisions to be safe (such as not texting while driving, using proper personal protective equipment at work, etc.). His data analytic research focuses on developing tools to analyze time-series data and data from small-n experimental designs using traditional statistical approaches (e.g., random effects models) and simulation-based approaches (e.g., Monte Carlo simulations).