Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


38th Annual Convention; Seattle, WA; 2012

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W29
CE Offered: PSY/BACB
Teaching Advanced Language and Verbal Behavior Skills to Students With Autism: Inference Training, Reading Comprehension, and Communication Skills
Friday, May 25, 2012
4:00 PM–7:00 PM
305 (Convention Center)
Area: AUT/VBC; Domain: Service Delivery
CE Instructor: James W. Partington, Ph.D.
NISSA INTARACHOTE (Behavior Analysts, Inc.), JAMES W. PARTINGTON (Behavior Analysts, Inc.)
Description: Children with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) demonstrate the ability to tact and often discuss items or events that they are able to experience. With proper program planning and teaching, children with autism can master intraverbal skills in relation to recalling past events and discussing these events with peers and family. One area in which children with autism demonstrate significant delays is the ability to infer and make predictions about pictures, events, and feelings during reading comprehension in texts. To develop these skills, it is necessary to teach many examples of situations and stories in which one would infer or predict an outcome. Using tact to intraverbal transfers as well as recall of experiences and emotions, students with ASD can begin to infer future events. Intervention programs that develop these skills can improve a child's ability to predict outcomes in everyday experiences as well as with stories. This workshop will discuss different strategies to task analyze and teach decoding along with comprehension techniques for students using advanced language skills. Attendees will also learn how to develop more advanced language programs that include inference training, prediction of outcomes, and conversation skills. Specific strategies will be presented that professionals and educators can use to develop these advanced skills.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

Design and task analyze skills for inference and prediction of outcomes (this includes how to break down reading comprehension activities according to the different verbal operants as they relate to students)

Activities: Video modeling, in vivo training, and audience participation will be included in this workshop to allow educators and professionals to problem solve specific situations.
Audience: This workshop is appropriate forprofessionals and educators working with students with autism in clinic settings, in home settings, and in classroom settings. This workshop will target students with more advanced language skills.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Intermediate



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Modifed by Eddie Soh