Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


38th Annual Convention; Seattle, WA; 2012

Event Details

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Symposium #398
CE Offered: BACB
Sex Offending: Prevention and Intervention
Monday, May 28, 2012
3:30 PM–4:50 PM
LL05 (TCC)
Area: DDA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Stephen F. Walker (University of Florida)
Discussant: Jorge Rafael Reyes (Westfield State University)
CE Instructor: Jorge Rafael Reyes, Ph.D.

The papers in this symposium range from teaching individuals to avoid abduction (Sanchez) to treating high-risk behavior of sex offenders with intellectual disabilities (Walker, presented by Joslyn). In the first paper, a procedure is described to teach individuals with developmental disabilities to prevent abductions (Sanchez). In the second paper, variables influencing children's responses to interview questions in a simulated forensic interview will be described (Sparling, presented by Boyle). In the third paper, in vivo assessments of appropriate versus inappropriate (child related) magazines are followed by variable time supervision as intervention for sex offenders with developmental disabilities (Walker, presented by Joslyn).

Keyword(s): Abduction Prevention, Forensic Interviews, Sex Offending

Evaluating the Effectiveness of an Abduction Prevention Program for Older Children With Intellectual Disabilities

SINDY SANCHEZ (University of South Florida), Raymond G. Miltenberger (University of South Florida)

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness behavioral skills training (BST) and in situ training (IST) for teaching abduction prevention skills to adolescents with disabilities. The participants were4 adolescents, ages 18–24, diagnosed with intellectual disabilities. Five BST sessions were conducted for each participant using instructions, modeling, rehearsal, and feedback. Following BST in situ assessments took place at the participants' school to assess acquisition of the skills. The data showed that none of the participants reached criterion level following BST although some of the participants improved their score from baseline. In situ training was then implemented until the participants reached criterion level.


The Effects of Interviewer Behavior on the Accuracy of Childrens Responses

Jessica Hart Sparling (Florida Institute of Technology), David A. Wilder (Florida Institute of Technology), Jennifer Kondash (Florida Institute of Technology), MEGAN A. BOYLE (Florida Institute of Technology), Megan Compton (Florida Institute of Technology)

Previous research has shown that certain interviewer behaviors can evoke inaccurate answers by children. In the current study, we examined the effects of approving and disapproving statements on the accuracy of3 children's answers to questions in an interview (Experiment 1). We then evaluated3 questioning techniques that may be used by interviewers during a forensic interview in which a child provides eyewitness testimony (Experiment 2). All participants responded with more inaccurate answers when approving statements followed inaccurate information and disapproving statements followed accurate information in Experiment 1. During Experiment 2, 1 participant responded most inaccurately when she was re-questioned after providing an initial answer, whereas the remaining 2 participants responded most inaccurately when the interviewer provided co-witness information and suggestive questions.


Treatment of High-Risk Behavior in Sex Offenders With Intellectual Disabilities

Stephen F. Walker (University of Florida), Timothy R. Vollmer (University of Florida), Cristina M. Whitehouse (University of Florida), RAY JOSLYN (University of Florida)

Historically, the assessment and treatment of sex offenders (including those diagnosed with intellectual disabilities) has focused on evaluating and decreasing arousal to inappropriate stimuli (e.g., pictures and videos of prepubescent children wearing bathing suits). Although decreasing arousal to inappropriate stimuli is a critical component of any behavioral treatment plan, a comprehensive treatment plan necessitates assessments and treatments designed to address other (operant) features of offense related behavior. Previous research has shown that sex offenders with intellectual disabilities will engage in high-risk behavior (e.g., stealing pictures of prepubescent children) when they believe that they are alone. The purpose of the current study is to replicate and extend previous research by evaluating the effectiveness of variable-time supervision. To date, results have shown that periodic unpredictable supervision has been successful in decreasing occurrences of high-risk behavior.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh