Precision Teaching and Standard Celeration Charting Part Deux: Application of the Science |
Saturday, May 26, 2012 |
8:00 AM–11:00 AM |
613/614 (Convention Center) |
Area: EDC/PRA; Domain: Service Delivery |
CE Instructor: Kerri L. Milyko, Ph.D. |
JEFFREY GESICK (Precision Teaching Learning Center), KERRI L. MILYKO (Precision Teaching Learning Center), JENNIFER TESTA (Morningside Academy) |
Description: Precision Teaching (PT) beginners are often proficient with the mechanics of the Standard Celeration Chart (SCC). For example, they are often able to chart frequencies, draw celerations, and discuss learning pictures displayed on the chart. However, many of these individuals are uncertain how to apply the principles of PT or the SCC to their clinical or educational work. The present workshop, therefore, will address how to take the mechanics of charting and the underlying principles of PT and use them to transform a typical education classroom, a discrete trial program, and other clinical settings. |
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should be able to:
Shape sensitivity to the learner
Train necessary teacher repertoires for high-quality instruction
Develop programs for new learners
Transform current programming/curriculum to a PT-friendly curriculum
Test for emergent repertoires
Sequence component/composite repertoires
Employ various interventions
The objectives will be discussed and explained by data and key representatives from Morningside Academy and Precision Teaching Learning Center. |
Activities: Participants will engage in interactive, direct instruction techniques to become fluent with the educational objectives. Next, they will practice how to transform various learning environments to those that employ PT techniques. Finally, through the review of clinical data from the two PT agencies and data provided by participants, participants will evaluate actual clinical data and interventions that led to successes or failures. Requirement: attendees are required to bring charted data to the workshop. Preferably, these data will be charted on the SCC. If not, data charted in Excel using a logarithmic y-axis will be accepted. |
Audience: The target audience will include practitioners looking to incorporate Precision Teaching, fluency-based instruction, and direct instruction into their practice. Audience members should be practitioners at or beyond the graduate level, and they should be at the programming and decision-making level of their practice. Participants should be familiar with Precision Teaching and the Standard Celeration Chart. Participants should have attended to the beginner Precision Teaching workshop prior to attending this workshop. |
Content Area: Practice |
Instruction Level: Intermediate |
Keyword(s): Component/Composite, Curriculum Development, Fluency, Precision Teaching |