Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


38th Annual Convention; Seattle, WA; 2012

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W90
CE Offered: PSY/BACB
CANCELED: Interteaching: A Practical Pedagogy for Promoting Performance in Higher Education
Saturday, May 26, 2012
8:00 AM–11:00 AM
206 (Convention Center)
Area: TBA/EDC; Domain: Applied Research
CE Instructor: Michelle Turan, M.A.
CHRYSTAL E.R. JANSZ (Texas Tech University), BRYAN K. SAVILLE (James Madison University), MICHELLE TURAN (University of Windsor)
Description: The current emphasis on accountability within fields such as education, behavior analysis, rehabilitation, and psychology translates directly to higher education institutions' responsibility to demonstrate effective teaching to produce students who are able to perform effectively outside of the classroom. This workshop will define, describe, and demonstrate interteaching (Boyce & Hineline, 2002), an evidence-based method of classroom instruction. Interteaching is rooted in behavior analytic principles, incorporating components of personalized systems of instruction (Keller, 1968), Precision Teaching (Lindsley, 1896), and cooperative learning (Halpern, 2004) and has been shown to improve student learning more than traditional methods of instruction (e.g., Saville, Zinn, & Elliott, 2005; Saville, Zinn, Neef, Van Norman, & Ferreri, 2006). Participants will have the opportunity to work through an interteaching session and practice each of the individual components with instructors who use and conduct research on interteaching in their classes. This workshop will prepare participants to implement interteaching in their own classrooms.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

Identify the conceptual basis of interteaching

Identify the literature demonstrating the effectiveness of interteaching

Demonstrate a solid foundation in each interteaching component (i.e., preparation guides, teaching records)

Write effective study guide questions and follow-up lectures

Implement interteaching in their own classrooms

Activities: Participants will have the opportunity to work through an interteaching session as students experience it in the classroom. Specifically, students will work in pairs to complete a preparation guide, complete a teaching record, and experience a brief follow-up lecture. Following this activity, instructors will work with participants as they practice formulating quality preparation guide questions, an integral part of interteaching. Instructors will also engage in problem solving with participants, discussing possible challenges instructors may face in their own institutions when incorporating interteaching into their classrooms. Examples of challenges to be presented include incorporating interteaching into longer and less frequent class periods, managing the "start-up" workload, engaging in discourse with colleagues about moving to novel methods of instruction, and sharing data with colleagues.
Audience: This workshop is appropriate for those engaged in classroom instruction (e.g., professors, instructors) as well as program and department chairs in higher education. It will also be beneficial to graduate students pursuing faculty positions.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): classroom instruction, higher education, student performance, teaching



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