School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Systems Applications of Applied Behavior Analysis in Public School Settings |
Sunday, May 27, 2012 |
3:30 PM–4:50 PM |
616/617 (Convention Center) |
Area: EDC/OBM; Domain: Applied Research |
Chair: Adam Feinberg (May Institute) |
Discussant: Cynthia M. Anderson (University of Oregon) |
CE Instructor: Adam Feinberg, Ph.D. |
Abstract: School-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) is a decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students. SWPBS uses the principles of applied behavior analysis in the design and implementation of interventions across a multitiered system of support. The first paper will review the implementation of school-wide positive behavior supports with treatment integrity in schools and its impact on academic success and behavior climate. Data on outcomes and the factors leading to successful implementation will be presented both in the domain of implementation integrity, but also regarding behavioral reduction outcomes school-wide. Specific behavioral reduction outcomes will include reduction in office discipline referrals, and are analyzed year over year to compare before pre and post implementation. The second paper examines the impact of school-wide positive supports in a number of alternative schools serving student with emotional/behavior disorders particularly in reducing more restrictive procedures. The third paper briefly reviews the literature on classroom behavior support practices and provides a case study on its impact in a general education classroom. |
School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Effective Implementation and Its Impact in School Settings |
ROBERT F. PUTNAM (May Institute) |
Abstract: School-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) is a decision making framework that guides selection, integration, and implementation of the best evidence-based academic and behavioral practices for improving important academic and behavior outcomes for all students. SWPBS uses the principles of applied behavior analysis in the design and implementation of interventions across a multitiered system of support. In this first paper, the author will review the implementation of school-wide positive behavior supports with treatment integrity in schools and its impact on academic success and behavior climate. Data on outcomes and the factors leading to successful implementation will be presented both in the domain of implementation integrity, but also regarding behavioral reduction outcomes school-wide. Specific behavioral reduction outcomes will include reduction in office discipline referrals, and are analyzed year over year to compare before pre and post implementation. Using PBIS, a behavior analyst at a macro level can examine school-wide data to provide a functional examination to system level interventions that help prevent and reduce behavioral problems for a large number of students. |
Designing Effective Class-wide Behavior Support Interventions |
ADAM FEINBERG (May Institute) |
Abstract: Student problem behavior including disruptive, defiant and off task behavior within classrooms greatly impact on the ability of students to achieve academic success. This paper will briefly review classroom behavior support practices within the context of a SWPBS plan. It includes the use of surveying common features of effective classroom management to determine which features need to be taught, modeled, and reinforced to support the implementation as part of Universal Practices. In addition, when these features are not successful, support can often include a brief functional assessment as a method to systematically evaluate the classroom environment in order to design, implement and evaluate effective classroom-wide behavioral support practices. An example of the implementation of a classwide behavior support plan designed and implemented by regular education teacher will be presented. This example will indicate the problem solving process involving data relative to outcomes in addition to implementation of effective classroom management features. Data will be presented improvements in teacher instructional skills as well as student on task behavior and office disciplinary referrals. |
Implementing School-wide Positive Behavior Support in Urban Alternative School Settings: Reducing Restrictive Procedures |
DEBBORAH EDA SMYTH (University of Southern Mississippi/May Institute) |
Abstract: School-wide PBS (SWPBS) is a comprehensive, three tier continuum of support designed to achieve social and academic success for all students, including those with or at-risk for emotional and behavioral issues. Alternative programs represent a unique educational setting that benefit from the implementation of school-wide PBIS especially given that they have much greater discipline problems in both type and quantity (Tobin, 2005). Considering the amount of intensive behavioral supports needed by the many of the students, as well as the great deal of general overlap in these supports, alternative settings could benefit from effective, efficient universal practices.
This paper will focus on the development and implementation of school-wide PBIS in two alternative programs within public school settings. Data will be shown in decision making relative to the development buy- in among staff, treatment integrity of the programs, as well as overall outcomes relative to Behavioral incidents, Points earned, Use of restrictive procedures in a single subject visual analysis method whereby data will be reviewed year over year. As anticipated, the results indicated that the development of a school-wide plan resulted in reductions in frequency of behavioral incidents, as well as use of restrictive consequences. |