Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


38th Annual Convention; Seattle, WA; 2012

Event Details

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Poster Session #425
CSE Monday Evening session
Monday, May 28, 2012
7:00 PM–9:00 PM
Exhibit Hall 4AB (Convention Center)
1. Investigating the Accuracy and Efficacy of Smartphone Applications Intended to Estimate Blood-Alcohol Concentration
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
REBEKAH FRANCIS DUKE (Virginia Tech), Alex Melkonian (Virginia Tech), Loryn Davis (Virginia Tech), John Paul Plummer (Virginia Tech)
Abstract: While breathalyzers are impractical for most individuals, phone applications that estimate an individuals blood alcohol concentration (BAC) may serve a similar role. While these applications have great potential, empirical questions remain about the accuracy and efficacy of these applications. This study aimed to determine the accuracy of phone application BAC estimations and to determine if information provided by these phone applications can shift participants perceptions of intoxication. Research assistants (RAs) approached pedestrians in a downtown bar setting at a large university in the Southeastern United States. Four different phone applications were used to calculate BAC. After receiving the phone applications estimation of BAC, participants were asked about their level of intoxication and risk for a variety of alcohol-related negative outcomes. In another condition, participants answered questions about intoxication and risk prior to receiving the phone applications estimation. Results indicated that all phone applications were highly inaccurate in estimating BAC, an average difference of .045 mL/L between actual and estimated BAC. Additionally, participants perceptions of safety and intoxication changed as a function of this feedback. It seems apparent phone applications may currently be doing more harm than good until more accurate BAC-estimation algorithms are developed.
2. Can Sobriety Tests be Used as an Educational Tool to Help Individuals Better Estimate their Blood Alcohol Level and Risk for Negative Outcomes?
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
ANGELICA MELVIN (Virginia Tech), Laura K. Olah (Virginia Tech), E. Scott Geller (Virginia Tech), Sarah Bayliff (Virginia Tech)
Abstract: Sobriety testing is a frequently used method by law enforcement personnel for determining a persons level of intoxication. However, it is possible to use this method to give impairment feedback to an intoxicated person. By offering feedback to individuals, they may be able to better understand their own physical signals that coincide with their level of intoxication. Thus, they may be more self aware of their level of intoxication. This study evaluates the effectiveness of sobriety tests, examines the exactitude of sobriety testing in predicting blood alcohol concentration (BAC), and tests whether the feedback given to the participants aids them in estimating their intoxication level and increases their understanding of the possible results from driving while impaired. Research team leaders were coached by the local police department in administering a diversity of sobriety test approved by the NHTSA. The research assistants (RAs) were also trained to recruit participants in a downtown environment and administer a survey. Once informed consent was given, the survey was taken and the sobriety test was completed, the participant predicted their current BAC. The results found that students were better able to process the risks of drinking, however, sobriety testing provided little aid for estimating BAC
3. An Investigation of Maintenance in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
Carrie M. Dempsey (California State University, Stanislaus), LYUDMILA LANGFORD (California State University, Stanisluas), Pedro Bautista (California State University, Stanislaus)
Abstract: Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968) suggested that the endurance of behavior change over time, or maintenance, should be a focus of behavioral research. Despite this early recommendation, no previous studies have examined the extent to which maintenance is programmed for, or evaluated, in behavioral applications.The current study was undertaken for this purpose; articles from the last two decades of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis were systematically evaluated to determine: (1) the percentage of treatment studies with maintenance data, (2) the characteristics of treatments associated with maintenance, and (3) the characteristics of follow up data.Preliminary results show that 65% of the journal articles involve treatment applications, but only 22% of the treatment studies include data on maintenance. The implications of these finding for research in the field of applied behavior analysis are discussed.
4. Reduce, Reuse, Remember! Promoting Energy-Saving Behaviors in Sorority Students
Area: CSE; Domain: Applied Research
NICOLE SCHULTZ (University of the Pacific), Carolynn S. Kohn (University of the Pacific), Kelly Rush (University of the Pacific)
Abstract: Behavioral interventions can lead to short-term (e.g., 3 weeks) energy reduction (e.g., Bekker et al., 2010). However, few studies have examined the efficacy of these methods in support of long-term change (e.g., several months). The purpose of the present study was twofold: (1) replicate a recent study that used visual prompts, feedback, and incentives to reduce energy consumption on a college campus; and (2) extend that study by following participants post-intervention to assess the durability of the intervention. Two campus sorority houses (an intervention and a control house) were selected to participate. Data were collected daily over a 7 week period (3 week baseline, 4 week intervention) by reading each houses energy meter. During intervention, signs suggesting methods to reduce energy consumption were placed in all rooms; a savings thermometer (updated daily) was placed in the main room displaying cumulative monetary savings (toward an end goal). Results indicated that the intervention house reduced their average energy use by 12% ($108); whereas, the control house reduced their energy use by less than 1%, suggesting that, at least in the short-term, the intervention effectively reduced energy consumption. Data collected through May 2012 will indicate whether this energy reduction can be sustained.
5. Innovations for Increasing Resiliency and Improving Outcomes for Homeless Youth
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
CANDACE DRUMMOND (Nova Southeastern University)
Abstract: We will present a literature review of previous and ongoing research in the area of risk and resiliency surrounding homeless youth. Homeless youth and children have notably higher rates of mental health problems, including mood disorders, suicidality and PTSD as well as developmental delays (Kennedy, et al., 2010; Grothaus, et al., 2011). Service providers within this area are pressed with providing a wide range of protective factors to meet “ever-increasing needs and challenges faced by homeless youth” (Gharabaghi & Stuart, 2010, p. 1683). This Poster session will present and discuss previous and ongoing research conducted in the area of youth homelessness and the creation of protective factors through structured shelter services and unstructured social connections. It will include a literature review of services needed by this population as well as innovative ideas for dealing with this highly marginalized group. We will discuss innovative changes to mitigate the challenges faced by this population. Session participants will learn to develop relationships and interventions to serve the educational, environmental and social needs of homeless youth.
6. Disseminating Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills in the Community: Four Semesters of Experience
Area: CSE; Domain: Service Delivery
ALVIN HOUSE (Illinois State University), Lauren M. Young (Illinois State University), Caroline Van Aman (Illinois State University), Heather Terhorst (Illinois State University), Abigail Ramon (Illinois State University)
Abstract: Over four academic semesters first and second year graduate students in Clinical-Counseling psychology at Illinois State University provided an outpatient skills training group with the four traditional DBT modules and a valued living module. All client participants were required to be in counseling with a therapist in the community during their participation with the skills training group, and a two-way release of information were required so communication could be made freely between the community therapist and group facilitators. The poster reviews this experience, the benefits for clients and clinicians in training, and the problems and lessons encountered. In addition to anticipated issues (client crises, issues of staffing and scheduling, recruitment, balance between didactic and clinical focus); additional challenges included balancing supply and demand issues in a university clinic, relationships among clinicians, the need to learn from our mistakes and missteps, and the daunting tasks of evaluating what good (if any) we were doing in the real world. The graduate students involved to date have consistently reported this to be a valuable training experience; feedback from former clients and their community therapists have been more mixed. Efforts are underway to more effectively evaluate the service provided to the community by this activity. As a training vehicle offering the skills group seems to have been a very trainee-friendly method of contributing to the transition from professional in training to professional in practice, and to have provided a good setting in which to practice treatment skills in a structured and supportive environment.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh