Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Poster Session #98
#98 Poster Session (TBA)
Saturday, May 24, 2008
6:00 PM–7:30 PM
South Exhibit Hall
134. Effects of Positive Behavior Support Training on Pre-Service Teachers.
Area: TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
RUTH G. AULD (Mercyhurst College), Phillip J. Belfiore (Mercyhurst College)
Abstract: Current research in the field of positive behavior support (PBS) is demonstrating significant progress in cultivating essential skills for students while providing teachers with a research-based approach to improve educational outcomes for all students. While numerous research studies have been conducted in both system-wide PBS and individualized PBS planning, this study addresses the need to provide setting specific (class-wide level) strategies. Specifically, this study assessed the effect of providing direct training to pre-service teachers for developing specific strategies to address problem behaviors. The study was conducted with seven pre-service teachers during their student teaching internship; all assigned to general inclusive classrooms ranging from elementary to high school in both urban and suburban settings. None of the participants had any previous training in special education. The results showed (a) an increase in pre-service teacher use of positive behavior supports (implementing a Differential Reinforcement to Other behaviors, DRO, procedure), and (b) a decrease in students’ problem behaviors (talking out) and an increase in students’ appropriate behaviors (hand raising) within the classroom setting. Implications of the study include potential improvements in pre-service teacher training programs by integrating applied behavior analysis/positive behavioral support training during student teaching.
135. A Picture is Worth More than a Thousand Words? Visual Inspection of Single-Case Graphs.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
GUNN LOKKE (University College of Ostfold, Norway), Jon A. Lokke (University College of Ostfold, Norway), Erik Arntzen (Akershus University College )
Abstract: Behavior analysis is a data-driven activity and inspection and interpretation of single-case graphs are paramount. Visual analysis can detect variability, trend and direction, mean levels, shifts, embedded cycles and important changes when intervention is introduced (Parker, Cryer, & Byrns, 2006). Still, low agreement is seen in some studies investigating visual inspection of graphed data. In the current study, 12 students at the Master program in Behavior Analysis at Akershus University College were shown ten graphs photocopied from textbooks. The participants were instructed to interpret behavior function using the functions mentioned in Hagopian et al. (1997). Results showed that the mean accuracy in interpreting the graphs was 80%, with a modus and median of 83%. The results are better than the results mentioned in Franklin et al. (1996). Therefore, before implementing training in visual analysis and/or using statistics, baseline of visual analysis skills should be undertaken. Simple visual analysis has advantages, and given reasonable good agreement; don’t make it more complicated than necessary in applied settings.
136. Preparatory Efficacy of the Behavior Analysis Training System.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
TARA ELIZABETH ADAMS (Western Michigan University), Krista Gabriau (Western Michigan University), Alaina Nichole Clark (Quality Behavioral Outcomes), Caitlin Elizabeth O'Boyle (Western Michigan University), Richard W. Malott (Western Michigan University)
Abstract: The Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) created ABAI START as an on-line resource where members may search for job opportunities in their particular areas of interest. Employment opportunities for individuals with a master’s degree in the autism or developmental disabilities field were tracked for one year by the Behavior Analysis Training System (BATS). BATS is Dr. Richard Malott’s graduate program at Western Michigan University. Information obtained includes the most frequently posted job titles, states and countries of job postings, qualifications, and most sought after experience. After being obtained, this information was compared and contrasted with the training provided by the BATS graduate program. Results will be used to modify the BATS program to ensure the best possible training for its students. This could aid students in obtaining quality employment in the field of behavior analysis. Additionally, it serves as a limited source of knowledge pertaining to the direction of the field of autism and developmental disabilities, specifically in relation to employment for people possessing master’s degrees.
137. Learning Efficiency of Two Strategies for Completing Fluency-Based Modules.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
STEPHEN E. EVERSOLE (Behavior Development Solutions)
Abstract: Over 1000 behavior analysts each year use the Conceptual Instruction Model fluency-based program to prepare for the BACB exam and to acquire CEUs. This Model requires learners to answer multiple-choice questions to a criterion of 100% within a brief time. They practice the modules repeatedly until this criterion is achieved. Users tend to adopt one of two strategies: (1) answer questions until they miss one, then start over or (2) use all of the time allotted to answer questions, regardless of score. Data will be analyzed to determine which of the two strategies results in the least instructional time to criterion. Implications of these data will be discussed.
138. “Let us out!” College Students’ Preference for Escape-Related Consequences.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
RENEE KOEHLER VAN NORMAN (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Deborah Russell Carter (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Lena Sankovich (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), John P. Carter (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Lauren Totaro (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), Juan M. Simon (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Abstract: Developing effective courses for teaching behavior analysis within special education teacher preparation programs can be difficult. To be effective, instruction must include the identification and use of a variety of motivators and reinforcing consequences to build students’ skills in the application and practice of behaviorally-based teaching methods. For most students, the distant consequence of a passing grade leading to the successful completion of undergraduate or graduate coursework has led to the acquisition and maintenance of a variety of professional behaviors including attending class, participating in course activities, and completing coursework. However, for some students, more immediate and tangible consequences might be necessary to build and support professional behaviors within college classrooms. One method to demonstrate best practices and identify students’ preferred outcomes is to conduct an assessment of student preference as part of course activities. This poster will present data from the completion of written forced choice preference assessments in graduate courses in special education. Results suggest a strong preference for activities related to escape (e.g., leave class early) and a weak preference for items freely available within the college environment (e.g., snacks and teaching supplies). Implications for practice and future investigations are considered.
139. Teaching Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis through Self-Directed Projects.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
BRIAN RICE (California State University, Northridge), Ellie Kazemi (California State University, Northridge), Sheila Allameh (Alliant International University), Gal Soffer (California State University, Northridge)
Abstract: Previous literature indicates that using self-modification plans in instructional settings allows students to master self-modification principles, change their behaviors, and learn to use self-change strategies in the future. In addition to these benefits, this poster discusses the use of self-modification projects to enhance graduate students’ behavioral modification skills and mastery of basic principles of applied behavior analysis. In a 15-week graduate course on Behavior Modification, twelve Clinical Psychology students conducted self-modification plans by discussing each step of the project in class, soliciting feedback from classmates, self-monitoring, and implementing the self-directed behavioral plan. Through the use of this project, students learned to apply concepts taught in the classroom such as: choosing a socially significant behavior for change, defining, measuring, and recording the target behavior, conducting a functional assessment to determine the behavior’s function, choosing appropriate behavior change procedures and design, visually presenting and analyzing the data, and writing the results of a behavioral plan. Three exemplar student projects focusing on nail biting, sleep disturbance, and road rage are discussed in detail to illustrate the utilization and mastery of behavior analytic concepts. Lastly, the need for hands-on projects as instructional tools with frequent monitoring and feedback from the instructor are discussed.
140. Some Effects of Online Practice Games on Computer-Based Quiz Performance of Graduate Students.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
TRACY L. KETTERING (The Ohio State University), Traci M. Cihon (The Chicago School of Professional Psychology), Kristall J. Graham (The Ohio State University), Nancy A. Neef (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Recent studies have examined optional games presented during study sessions (Neef et al., 2006) or online (Neef et al., 2007) as a way for college students to review course material. In the current study, we extended this research by using the same question format (multiple selection) on quizzes as was used during games. In addition, we added an interactive scoring component to the games to increase their entertainment and competitive value. Games were constructed in Abode Flash Professional® and were placed on course websites that had the capability of tracking each student’s use of the games. The effect of game use on quiz performance was evaluated in a multielement design, in which the availability of games was alternated across course units and counterbalanced across two sections of a graduate behavioral research course at two universities.
141. Staff-Training Program in Home-Based Early Intervention of Children with Autism: The Method for Modifying Student-Teachers to ABA Therapists.
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
KOJI TAKEUCHI (Meisei University), Hitomi Kuma (Keio University), Yuno Takeuchi (Keio University), Yoshiko Hara (Keio University), Hideyuki Haraguchi (Educational Center in Tokorozawa), Jun'ichi Yamamoto (Keio University)
Abstract: The effects of the early intervention for children with developmental disorders have been demonstrated in many studies, and they suggested demands for 10-20 hours of intervention a week for improving children’s ability. Therefore, more human and financial resources are absolutely imperative for practice. Only a few authoritie have specialized knowledge and skills of ABA in Japan, and there is little human resource to carry out the program at home. The purpose of this study is to develop the program to give undergraduate students the knowledge and skills of ABA, and to declare its effects. This program is consisted of (1) a lecture of basic knowledge about autism and ABA, (2) training for analyzing behaviors by using video and (3) role-playing of discrete trial. As measurement of effect of whole program package, we used paper test for assessment of basic knowledge about ABA, self-efficacy assessment, ABA skill check sheet by others, and social validity assessment at pre- and post-training program. In result, each measurement score of training (1)-(3) were improved significantl We demonstrated that this program was very effective for the graduate students to get basic knowledge and skills of ABA.



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