Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W57
CE Offered: BACB
Applying Group Contingencies in Classrooms to Prevent and Remedy Academic and Behavior Problems.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
8:00 AM–11:00 AM
Stevens 3
Area: EDC; Domain: Applied Research
CE Instructor: Christopher Skinner, Ph.D.
CHRISTOPHER SKINNER (The Univesity of Tennessee)
Description: This workshop focuses on the application of group-oriented contingencies designed to alter academic and social target behaviors in general and special education classrooms. Individual and independent, dependent, and interdependent group-oriented contingencies will be described, analyzed, compared, and contrasted across pragmatic characteristics and positive and negative side effects associated with the application of such contingencies in a group (e.g., classroom) contexts. Many practitioners are familiar with and apply individual and independent group-oriented contingencies with clearly established target behaviors, criteria, and/or rewards. This workshop will focus on the application of interdependent group-oriented contingencies. Research will be presented supporting the application of group-oriented contingencies for decreasing incidental antisocial and inappropriate behaviors, increasing incidental prosocial behaviors, and enhancing desired academic behaviors and academic achievement. Research supporting a) randomly-selected, resource-efficient, activity rewards, b) cumulative and/or randomly selected criterion, and c) randomly selected target behaviors will be analyzed. Basic research on maintaining behaviors will be applied as recommendations are made for enhancing maintenance by adding, adjusting and/or randomly selecting target behaviors, criteria, and/or rewards. By focusing on contingencies components, as opposed to programs, this workshop will allow attendees to develop their own contingencies to address their own concerns.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this workshop, the participant will be able to a) differentiate between and identify strengths and weakness associated with the application of group-oriented contingencies, b) develop and adapt contingency components to enhance their effectiveness in altering and maintaining desired behaviors. c) alter contingency components to reduce the negative side effects associated with contingencies, and d) develop a large pool of rewards that are resource-efficient and effective reinforcers for groups.
Activities: Attendees will participate by helping generate a list of individual and group rewards, target behaviors, and criteria for various populations. Attendees will be asked to provide their own incites of possible pragmatic and social side effects associated with specific applied scenarios.
Audience: Those who work with or consult with those who work with groups of students or clients.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Intermediate



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Modifed by Eddie Soh