Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


34th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2008

Event Details

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Symposium #545
Positive Reinforcement in Organizational Learning and Improvement
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Matt Porritt (Aubrey Daniels International)
Discussant: Judy L. Agnew (Aubrey Daniels International)
Abstract: Effectiveness of application of Organizational Behavior Management techniques will be presented and discussed through two case studies and one presentation of best practices. The first case study will highlight the role behavioral leadership and organizational culture on safety processes and safe behavior practices. The second case study will detail the use of fluency-based training and cascaded scorecards in a restaurant. The final presentation will deal with noncontingent reinforcement and best practices for providing reinforcement in organizations.
From Up-State to Down Under: Engineering the Reinforcement Culture in Safety and OBM.
JESSICA M. LUDWIG (SafetyWorks Group)
Abstract: The concept of culture change is common in business to describe a large-scale shift in behaviors within the organization. As behavior analysts in the business world, it may prove very useful for us to understand the concept of culture behaviorally, especially when applying OBM and Behavior Based Safety models. The topics to be examined include defining an OBM or safety culture, some recent examples of culture change initiatatives using both of these models separately and combined as a package, and identifying and managing possible barriers to effectively achieving such cultures.
Spicing Things up with Fluency and Positive Reinforcement at a Chicken Wing and Beer Bistro.
CATHERINE M. BALDERSON (Aubrey Daniels International)
Abstract: This talk will explore maximizing positive performance through Precision Leadership at a chicken wing restaurant by revamping their training program. Methods for doing so using fluency flashcards will be presented, improving the trainee’s opportunity for excellence, thus capitalizing on sales, productivity, customer satisfaction and profit. Most significantly, positively reinforcing the trainer/trainee and restaurant manager using the principles of Performance Management and cascaded scorecards will be discussed.
Random, Fixed, and Variable-time Delivery Schedules (NCR) of Stimuli with Supposed Reinforcing Properties in Organizations—Free Stuff!
MATTHEW L. PORRITT (Aubrey Daniels International)
Abstract: This talk will explore the good and the bad of providing rewards and recognition without these being tied to specific performance. Best practices for providing schedules of rewards and recognition will be presented. NCR procedures from the laboratory and developmental disabilities treatment will inform this presentation.



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