Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #55
CE Offered: BACB
Behavioral Parent Training in Child Welfare: Program Evaluation, Replications, and Methodological Issues
Saturday, May 26, 2007
2:30 PM–3:50 PM
Edward C
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Han-Leong Goh (University of Florida)
CE Instructor: Han-Leong Goh, Ph.D.

These four presentations focus on behavioral training with parents of children in the child welfare system. Two presentations focus on the SafeCare model parenting program. The first presentation discusses the efficacy of the model in preventing child maltreatment, replications of the model in other areas of the country, and implications on staff training. The second presentation focuses on replication of the SafeCare model for assessment and training in home-based and clinic-based settings. The final 2 presentations focus on a parent training curriculum designed to increase parenting skills. One presentation focuses on evaluating potential effects of the curriculum on skill acquisition; repeated administration of quizzes showed systematic acquisition as a function of specific skills taught. The other presentation discusses methods to evaluate placement stability, such as duration and rate of placement changes, and the implications of these measures on evaluating potential effectiveness of the training curriculum. In general, all presentations discuss models of extending applied behavior analysis in parent training; specifically in child welfare. Furthermore, all presentations show therapeutic effects of training with this unique population, with discussions on methodological issues, outcomes, and future directions for research.

Multimodal Replications of the SafeCare Model.
ANNA EDWARDS (The Marcus Institute), John R. Lutzker (The Marcus Institute)
Abstract: Recently, there have been a number of replications of the SafeCare model parenting program (Lutzker & Bigelow, 2002) which has been greatly expanded to reach a variety of settings and professionals. Currently, the Marcus Center for Child Well-Treatment in Atlanta, GA is providing the SafeCare model parenting services program for the secondary prevention of child maltreatment in two urban Georgia counties through federal grant funds. These services are being implemented by Bachelors-level home visitors, all whom have social service experience. Additionally, the Marcus Center for Child Well-Treatment holds a contract with the Georgia Department of Public Health to train Nurse Home Visitors to implement primary prevention. Also, training will occur for caseworkers in California. Other locations have recently received grant funding to examine aspects of SafeCare, including an NIH funded statewide trial in Oklahoma and CDC grants designed to examine SafeCare with technology enhancements (e.g., cell phones, computer training). These multimodal replications will be discussed, including the primary and secondary prevention populations that are being served by them, the variety of professionals who are providing these services, and the implications for staff training and implementation of the model.
Behavioral Parent Training for Parents with Intellectual Disabilities.
JENNIFER L. CROCKETT (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Susan A. Parks (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Cathy Small (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Olivia Hird (Kennedy Krieger Institute)
Abstract: Children of parents with Intellectual Disabilities are at risk of behavior problems and placement disruption. Parents with Intellectual Disabilities are often assumed to have insufficient parenting skills, frequently leading to the removal of their children based on their intellectual functioning rather than their parenting. We evaluated the effectiveness of Behavioral Skills Training for four parents with Intellectual Disabilities. The behavioral skills training included both clinic-based and home-based assessment and training. We used a modification of Parent Child Interaction Therapy for the clinic-based training and the Home Accident Prevention Inventory-Revised (HAPI-R) and Checklist for Living Environments to Assess Neglect (CLEAN) from Project SafeCare for the home-based training. We will present data on the successes and challenges with working with this unique population of parents and children. We will provide additional information on attrition, Child-Protective Services involvement, and social supports necessary for maintenance of treatment gains. Data indicate that some of the parents with intellectual disabilities made great improvements in their parent-child interaction, effective behavior management skills, and the safety of their homes. Data further show that parents with intellectual disabilities maintain higher ‘show rates’ than typical for outpatient behavioral services.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Positive Parenting Curriculum: A Multiple Probe Analysis of Acquisition of Key Skills.
KERRI P. BERARD (University of North Texas), Richard G. Smith (University of North Texas), Donnie M. Staff (University of North Texas), Allison Jones (University of North Texas)
Abstract: The effectiveness of a program designed to teach parents who exhibit risk factors for child maltreatment to use a set of positive parenting skills was evaluated. Seven skills were taught to parents over a five-week series of three hour classes. A written quiz was administered to participants before the series of classes, immediately following each class, and after completion of all classes. The quiz contained questions corresponding to component skills taught in each class; therefore, repeated administration of the quiz permitted an analysis of component skill acquisition as those skills entered the repertoire. The results indicated that the participants showed improvements in test components as the curriculum components were introduced. There was also a relationship seen between curriculum components which permitted systematic and targeted evaluation of course materials and procedures.
Evaluating Placement Stability in Foster Care: Methodological Issues and Implications for Program Evaluation.
CAROLE M. VAN CAMP (University of Florida), Timothy R. Vollmer (University of Florida)
Abstract: Stabilizing children's placements in foster homes is a primary goal of foster care agencies for children who have not been reunified with their parents or have not been adopted. In this presentation, we will discuss several methods of measuring placement stability, including calculating duration of placements and rate of placement changes. Placement data from over 300 foster parents calculated using several methods will be presented. Results indicate that factors such as the capacity of a foster home (i.e., how many foster children reside there at any given time) may also impact calculations of placement change rate. In addition, implications of these measurement issues on evaluating the effectiveness of a state-wide program to increase placement stability will be discussed. Placement data from over 200 foster caregivers who received behavioral parent training will be presented, with an emphasis on how each calculation method impacted the results of the program evaluation.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh