Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


40th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2014

Event Details

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Symposium #343
CE Offered: BACB
Using Technology to Improve the Access to, Effectiveness and Efficiency of Services for Individuals with Autism
Monday, May 26, 2014
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
W183a (McCormick Place Convention Center)
Area: AUT/EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Robert F. Putnam (May Institute)
Discussant: Susan Wilczynski (Ball State University)
CE Instructor: Robert F. Putnam, Ph.D.

The growing number of children with autism has placed demands on the service delivery system. There is increased demand for competent behavior analysts and direct therapist in the delivery of services using applied behavior analysis methodologies with this population. These services are often delivered in a variety of environments including school, homes and community settings. The use of technology to improve access and quality of services will be highlighted in this data based symposium. The first data based symposium shows how the use of school-wide data in schools for autism and developmental disabilities have assisted staff in developing system-wide interventions to improve the quality of behavior support interventions. The second data presentation demonstrates the use of an on line video training package that can used to evaluate and train staff in the delivery of effective services based on applied behavior analysis. This will focus on the comparison of standard classroom based training as compared to the online video series. The third presentation will focus on The fourth symposium will


Developing and Implementation of a System-Wide Data Information System to Reduce Problem Behavior

MELANIE DUBARD (May Institute), Robert F. Putnam (May Institute), Bonnie Souza (May Institute)

Using data based decision making concerning the effectiveness of behavior support interventions and the use of crisis intervention procedures in a large school serving students with autism spectrum disorder and/or developmental disabilities is often made on a student by student basis. This presentation will review the ongoing development of a system to collect system-wide data that could be used to determine the effectiveness of school-wide behavior support as well as individual behavior support. The use of functional assessment information to ascertain system interventions particularly in these schools is often lacking. Often schools do not review data at the systems level to make programmatic decisions and if so only examine the frequency and duration of procedures. Staff at this center assisted in designing the system to examine the frequency, duration and type of crisis intervention procedure. In addition the system allowed the review of location, time, activity and staff involved in these procedures to help the program as a whole improve its behavior support practices. Presentation of data as well as the effective use of this to make system level changes in interventions will be presented.


Effectively Training Direct Therapists Serving Students with Autism

Melanie DuBard (May Institute), Robert F. Putnam (May Institute), MEGAN R. JOY (May Institute)

The growing number of children with autism has placed demands on the service delivery system. The provision of school and in home services with a school based and mobile workforce presents a challenge in effectively training this workforce in a cost effective way. A comparison of on site standardized training with senior BCBA as compared to online video competency based training will be compared. Data will be compared on the effectiveness of both models included the amount of time needed to complete the training, the extent of knowledge of applied behavior analysis concepts and the application of these competencies. Data will be presented on the rate of learning with staff with differing academic achievement levels. A comparison of direct instruction competencies will be analysed between both groups. Finally a cost comparison of both methods will be completed.




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