Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


41st Annual Convention; San Antonio, TX; 2015

Event Details

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Invited Paper Session #40
CE Offered: PSY/BACB

Conducting In-Home Functional Analyses and Functional Communication Training via Telehealth

Saturday, May 23, 2015
2:00 PM–2:50 PM
Grand Ballroom C3 (CC)
Area: PRA; Domain: Applied Research
Instruction Level: Intermediate
CE Instructor: David P. Wacker, Ph.D.
Chair: Mark D. Shriver (Munroe-Meyer Institute, University of Nebraska Medical Center)
DAVID P. WACKER (The University of Iowa)
Dr. David P. Wacker is a professor of pediatric psychology at the University of Iowa Children's Hospital, where he directs the biobehavioral outpatient service. He is the co-principal investigator of National Institute of Mental Health and Maternal and Child Health grants that have funded telehealth research programs for young children with autism who engage in problem behaviors at home. The initial results of these projects, which involved conducting functional analysis and functional communication training via telehealth in outpatient clinic settings, were recently published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis. The most recent project involves conducting these same procedures directly in the home. Dr. Wacker is a former editor of JABA and was president of the Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior board. He is a Fellow of ABAI and of Divisions 25 and 22 of APA.

This talk will provide a summary of results obtained from a Maternal and Child Health-funded project in which functional analyses and functional communication training (FCT) were conducted in the homes of young children with autism who engaged in problem behaviors. All procedures were conducted by parents with live coaching from applied behavior analysts. Functional analyses were conducted within multielement designs, and FCT was conducted within reversal designs and as part of a randomized clinical trial. Inter-observer agreement was conducted on 30% of sessions. The talk will begin with a brief summary of previously funded inVIVO and telehealth projects using the same procedures and will then focus on the current in-home telehealth procedures. Video clips will highlight individual cases and group summaries will be provided for the assessment and treatment results.

Target Audience:

Practitioners and applied behavior analysts.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the event, participants should be able to: (1) describe how a standard functional analysis is modified when conducted via telehealth in the homes of young children with autism; (2) indicate how FCT is conducted via telehealth; and (3) describe how single case design is blended within a randomized clinical trial.
Keyword(s): autism, functional analysis, functional communication, telehealth



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