Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


43rd Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2017

Event Details

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Symposium #258
CE Offered: BACB
Recent Developments of Video-Based Instruction to Staff Train and to Teach Exercise and Personal Care Skills
Sunday, May 28, 2017
3:00 PM–3:50 PM
Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 4E/F
Area: AUT/DDA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Sharon A. Reeve (Caldwell University)
CE Instructor: Sharon A. Reeve, Ph.D.

Video-based instruction has shown to be effective to successfully teach a wide range of skills to individuals of typical development and with autism spectrum and related disorders. The purpose of the symposium will be to showcase recent developments in the use of video-based instruction. The first paper will discuss the effects of video modeling to teach six staff members how to implement a specific behavioral speech program, the Natural Language Paradigm (NLP), to children with ASD. Results show readily acquired NLP as a result of video modeling. The second paper assessed the effectiveness of video modeling to teach exercise behaviors to four adolescences with autism. Results showed that all participants acquired the skills, generalized the skills to a novel environment, and maintained the skills one-month post-intervention. The third paper evaluated the comparative results of video modeling and in-vivo prompting to teach personal care skills to six individuals with moderate to severe disabilities. Implications and areas of future research will be discussed.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): in-vivo modeling, video modeling, video prompting

Using Video Modeling on the iPad to Teach Staff Speech Interventions for Children With ASD

Vicki Spector (Claremont Graduate University), MARJORIE H. CHARLOP (Claremont McKenna College)

Cost-effective and efficient training methods must be considered when teaching staff members how to treat children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD; Weldy, Rapp, & Capocasa, 2014). The current study aimed to teach six staff members how to implement a specific behavioral speech program, the Natural Language Paradigm, (NLP) solely via video modeling. A multiple baseline design across participants assessed the efficacy of this training technique. A nine-step NLP checklist was used to measure learning acquisition. In baseline, staff members engaged in free-play sessions with a child with ASD. Following baseline, staff members were individually trained how to administer NLP using video modeling. After mastery criterion was met, staff members were resumed their play sessions with a child with ASD, this time implementing NLP. Results show that each staff member learned how to administer NLP in one to two training sessions, with training sessions lasting between 15 minutes to 45 minutes. Preliminary evidence of four staff members, presented, here suggests that they were able to efficiently learn and effectively implement NLP. Increases in child verbalizations can also be reported for the majority of post-training NLP sessions. Implications of using video modeling in future staff training will be discussed.


Using Video Modeling to Teach Children With Autism to Engage in Exercise

MACKENZIE EMMONS (Caldwell University), Sharon A. Reeve (Caldwell University), Kenneth F. Reeve (Caldwell University), Ruth M. DeBar (Caldwell University), Linda Meyer (Linda S. Meyer Consulting, LLC)

Children with autism tend to engage in repetitive and stereotyped behaviors, leading to a decrease in age-appropriate leisure activities. It is recommended that the average child engage in an average of 60 minutes a day of physical activity. Video modeling has been shown to be effective in teaching a variety of leisure skills to children with autism. Therefore the purpose of the present study was to determine whether (a) video modeling can effectively increase engagement in exercise in four children with autism, 10 to 13 years old (b) engagement in exercise increased on-task behavior during the video, (c) the exercises learned generalized to novel exercise videos, and (d) the exercises learned maintained over time. Three video models were used to teach the children jumping jacks, squat thrusts, sit-ups, squats, and push-up. Results indicated that all participants met criterion on engaging in exercises with a video model in 25 or fewer sessions. Skills generalized from the training videos to novel exercise videos. Maintenance data also showed that skills maintained even a month post treatment.

Comparing Video Prompting Against In Vivo Prompting to Teach Two Personal Care Skills
SCOTT DUEKER (The Ohio State University), Helen I. Cannella-Malone (The Ohio State University)
Abstract: Students with moderate to severe disability often lack the skills to perform basic personal care skills. In many cases, they have parents or other caregivers take care of these tasks. Video prompting has been shown to be an effective teaching method for those with moderate to severe impairment. The purpose of this study is to compare video prompting against in-vivo prompting for teaching children with moderate to severe disabilities to perform two basic daily living personal care tasks. The shoe tying and buttoning a shirt were chosen for this study and were vetted by an occupational therapist for similarity. Six students with disabilities were chosen from a suburban elementary school for participation based on teacher recommendation. Each student received video modeling for one task and in vivo prompting for the other. Results of a multiple baseline across participants with embedded alternating treatments design showed that all learners acquired skills as a result of the intervention. A discussion of the efficacy of the intervention and future is included.



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