Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


45th Annual Convention; Chicago, IL; 2019

Event Details

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Special Event #2A
Remembering Kurt Salzinger
Friday, May 24, 2019
6:00 PM–7:15 PM
Hyatt Regency East, Lobby Level, Plaza Ballroom AB
Chair: Marcus Jackson Marr (Georgia Tech)

Dr. Kurt Salzinger, who will receive this year’s highest SABA award, Distinguished Service to Behavior Analysis, died tragically in November 2018. His award will be accepted by his wife of nearly 40 years, Dr. Deanna Chitayat, on Saturday, May 25, at the Opening Event and SABA Award Ceremony.

Kurt Salzinger was a major scholarly figure and academic leader not only in behavior analysis, but in the larger world of the natural sciences. His published work, some 14 books and 200 journal articles, encompassed a huge range of topics including behavioral genetics, psychopathology, verbal behavior, history of psychology, and many others. Reflecting such accomplishments, he was elected President of the prestigious New York Academy of Sciences as well as appointed as the Executive Director of Science for the American Psychological Association. He was also a past-president of ABAI and through his many roles continued to contribute to behavior analysis and beyond.

In recognition of his many achievements, gifts, and legacies, ABAI has arranged a remembrance event with some remarks by a few close colleagues: Andy Lattal, Jack Marr, Maria Malott, and Francis Mechner. Kurt’s wife Deanna and members of his family will also speak. Other attendees will also have the opportunity to speak in honor of his memory.




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