Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Washington DC; 2020

Workshop Details

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Workshop #W24
CE Offered: BACB — 
The Quality Behavior Analyst: A Systematic Approach to the Evaluation of Supervision
Thursday, May 21, 2020
4:00 PM–7:00 PM
To Be Determined
Area: DDA/TBA; Domain: Service Delivery
CE Instructor: Yendri Diaz, M.A.
YENDRI DIAZ (Skillometry Inc.), JANET VASQUEZ (Precision Chi)
Description: The BACB Professional and Ethical Compliance Code requires behavior analysts that assume a supervisory position to take full responsibility for all dimensions of this undertaking (BACB, 2016). Although the BACB provides a professional and ethical compliance code, a system for evaluating the quality of supervision is at the discretion of the individual supervisor or by the ABA company the supervisor is employed with, if such protocols exist. The presenters of this workshop will provide a systematic method for evaluating the quality of supervision, which includes assessment protocols with content areas that are aligned with the BACB’s code, as well as a mastery criteria for each area. Collectively, these protocols are called The Quality Behavior Analyst (QBA). QBA is a set of criterion-referenced proficiency standards, assessments, and a scorecard tracking system for practitioners in the field of applied behavior analysis. QBA provides practitioners with detailed instructions, measurement protocol for tracking progress towards skill development, and mastery criteria for obtaining accuracy, fluency, generalization, and maintenance of the listed skills, which are critical to all of the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) credential levels. This workshop will discuss the technical and professional skills behavior analysts should assess and train across credentials. Behavioral Skills Training will be conducted to train practitioners on how to utilize the QBA protocol, including how to assess the Registered Behavior Technicians’ current professional and technical skill repertoire and track information for the further development of those skills throughout the practitioners’ career. The Quality Behavior Analyst protocol includes the following materials: 1. List of skills (based on a corresponding instructional manual and on credential level) 2. Scorecard system used to measure and track the behavior analyst’s proficiency level in various professional and technical skills 3. Behavioral objective for each skill 4. Instructions for training and mastering each skill
Learning Objectives: 1. Assess, score, and track the Registered Behavior Technician’s technical skills while working in the field of applied behavior analysis through the implementation of the QBA protocol with 100% accuracy. 2. Assess, score, and track the Registered Behavior Technician’s professional skills while working in the field of applied behavior analysis through the implementation of the QBA protocol with 100% accuracy. 3. Discuss value systems when creating scorecards for RBT performance on technical skills. 4. Discuss value systems when creating scorecards for RBT performance on professional skills. 5. Provide reinforcing and corrective feedback to RBT’s based on performance and score on the QBA technical skills. 6. Provide reinforcing and corrective feedback to RBT’s based on performance and score on the QBA professional skills.
Activities: 1. Instructional strategies include: Behavioral Skills Training in which the authors will provide instructions on how to conduct the protocol to assess staff performance, model how to implement the protocol, roleplays will be conducted during which workshop attendees will rehearse implementing the protocol, and the authors will provide feedback to the attendees on their performance during implementation. 2. Author and attendees will hold discussion on value systems for scorecards. 3. Workshop objectives will be met through instruction, modeling, practice, feedback and ongoing rehearsal opportunities. 4. Supplemental materials will be provided and active student responding will be implemented to support participant learning and ensure mastery criterion is met. 5. The format of the presentations includes lecture, BST, small group activities, and guided practice.
Audience: The target audience are BCBAs providing supervision in the field of applied behavior analysis and clinical directors or ABA company owners seeking a curriculum for assessing RBT staff performance.
Content Area: Practice
Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): Assessment, Quality Leadership, Staff Training, Supervision



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Modifed by Eddie Soh