Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Online; 2020

Event Details

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Invited Paper Session #280
Designing Instruction for All Learners: How Verbal Development Informs Curriculum
Sunday, May 24, 2020
6:00 PM–6:50 PM
Area: DEV
Chair: Jo Ann Pereira Delgado (Teachers College, Columbia University)
CE Instructor: Jennifer Weber, Ph.D.
Presenting Author: JENNIFER WEBER (Teachers College, Columbia University)

Research findings from our CABAS® and Accelerated Independent Learner (AIL) schools and laboratories have demonstrated that instruction for all learners is best arranged with a focus on verbal development. The Early Learner Curriculum and Achievement Record (ELCAR, previously known as the C-PIRK) provides an inventory of repertoires and verbal developmental cusps that are the foundation for children to excel in Kindergarten. Our AIL objectives and new STEM curricula serve more advanced learners. However, knowing what to teach is only half the battle. Instruction must take place within the context of the learner’s verbal development. Once students have the necessary foundational repertoires and verbal behavior developmental cusps that will allow learning to occur, it is crucial to identify the proper instructional objectives. In this talk, I will provide academic teaching sequences aligned to both State and Common Core standards to instruct all students. I will also provide an overview of how to arrange instruction for all learners, from students at the pre-foundational level to those who are independent readers and writers.

Target Audience:

Individuals interested in verbal behavior, or verbal behavior developmental theory in relation to instructional design.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) discuss the foundational verbal behavior developmental cusps that allows for learning to occur; (2) describe how to arrange academic instruction based on verbal behavior developmental cusps; (3) provide detailed descriptions of academic teaching sequences for students at different levels of verbal behavior; (4) discuss best instructional practices to accelerate learning for all learners.
JENNIFER WEBER (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Dr. Jennifer Weber is an Adjunct Assistant Professor at both Teachers College, Columbia University and Nicholls State University. She received her Master’s, M.Phill, and Ph.D., in Applied Behavior Analysis from Teachers College, Columbia University. Dr. Weber is a doctoral level-board certified behavior analyst and holds a CABAS® Senior Behavior Analyst rank. She specializes in training teachers to utilize a Strategic Science of Teaching in both Special Education and General Education settings. Her research interests include verbal behavior development, instructional design, and teacher training.



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