Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Online; 2020

Event Details

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Symposium #343
CE Offered: BACB
Parent Training Across the World
Monday, May 25, 2020
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Area: AUT/EDC; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Setareh Moslemi (University of North Texas)
Discussant: Karen A. Toussaint (University of North Texas)
CE Instructor: Setareh Moslemi, M.Ed.

Many parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder around the world have limited or no access to behavior analytic knowledge or services leaving them without support or guidance. Training parents with behavior analytic knowledge or skills can potentially overcome this issue. The purpose of this symposium is to present two different parent training programs designed to provide skills and knowledge that parents need to improve the quality of life for their children and families. The first presentation will discuss a program in which parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder learned the steps necessary to implement an early intervention program. The project was conducted in India. The second presentation will discuss four barriers that get in the way of parents’ access to behavior analytic knowledge: time, place, money, and prerequisite skills, and will introduce a web-based parent training program designed to overcome these barriers.

Target Audience:

BACB Certificants


Adapting Evidence-Based Parent Mediated Early Intervention for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder in India

GEETIKA AGARWAL (Ball State University), Jennifer M. Gillis (Binghamton University), Svetlana Iyer (Stepping Stones Center)

The effectiveness of Early Intervention (EI) program is widely documented to increase the behavioural outcomes of children diagnosed with Autism. Studies have demonstrated positive outcomes for parent-implemented EI approaches for skill development. The majority of these evidence-based interventions have been conducted in the US and Europe, there is increasing interest in adapting evidence-based interventions to different cultures. The current study will share outcome data from a 6-week, ABA-based parent-implemented EI program from Bangalore, India. 81 children (range 18 mo.- 60 mo.) and their caregivers enrolled in the program. The goals were adapted from ABLLS-R and included validated instructional procedures. The parents were trained to use errorless teaching for skill acquisition and behaviour management strategies. The result of the program demonstrated significant gains across all domains, supporting the existing literature. Parents reported high levels (M = 28.2 out of 30) of social validity for the program. Further, the outcome for parents demonstrated significant gains in the acquisition of training skills . These findings have implications for cultural adaptations of evidence-based interventions. These findings are timely as there is a growing recognition of the prevalence of ASD and need for EI services in India, yet a limited number of certified behaviour analysts.

Removing Barriers to Parents' Access to Behavior Analytic Knowledge
SETAREH MOSLEMI (University of North Texas), Manish Vaidya (University of North Texas)
Abstract: Access to behavior analytic skills is limited in many parts of the world (Figure.1). Parent training could be a potential solution to fill the gap. At least four different barriers get in the way of the parents to get access to useful behavior analytic knowledge: time, place, money, and prerequisite skills (Table.1).For example, parents don’t have the time to commit to behavior analytic training programs, they cannot easily travel to training locations, can’t afford costs of the trainings, and often familiarity with English or technical vocabulary is required to make the knowledge useful. The purpose of the current project is to create a web-based program which uses non-technical language to present short (2-3 minutes) modules in order to teach parents about the basic behavioral competencies. First, using short modules will allow the parents to easily find time to practice the lessons in order to achieve a positive outcome. Second, the web-based nature of the program will remove geographical constraints. Third, the content is available for free on the devices that they already own. Fourth, the use of non-technical language will remove the need for the presence of an expert to explain any technical terms.



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