Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Online; 2020

Event Details

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Symposium #367
What and How Psychology Could be Related to Other Disciplines: An Interbehavioral Approach
Monday, May 25, 2020
11:00 AM–12:50 PM
Area: CSS; Domain: Translational
Chair: Carlos de Jesús de Jesús Torres (University of Guadalajara)
Discussant: Mitch Fryling (California State University, Los Angeles)

In this symposium, different interdisciplinary approaches to the understanding and efficient intervention in social contexts will be presented. The so-called "social progress" has been identified through the development of living conditions that affect society in various fields such as urban development, economic and working conditions, living conditions, which imply an improvement in the quality of life of individuals who participate in social groups. However, this development has some repercussions that are identified as “social problems”, that can paradoxically represent a negative impact on individual quality of life such as coexistence problems, corruption, bullying, drug abuse, social inequality. In this presentation a prescriptive framework of the applicability of psychological knowledge is discussed taking into account four features that are considered by Ribes (2018) for the development of a technology-based on scientific knowledge: a) a theory of individuation; b) formulation of interface concepts associated with the circumstance identified as problematic; c) design of methods and procedures for the transfer of scientific knowledge into social problems, and; d) identification of the social criteria that guide the meaning of the intervention.


Individual Behavior and the Problems of Social Coexistence

GERARDO A ORTIZ RUEDA RUEDA (Universidad de Guadalajara-Mexico), Nora Rangel (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico), Carmen Quintana (University of Guadalajara), Carlos de Jesús de Jesús Torres (University of Guadalajara), Karla Acuña (Universidad de Sonora - Mexico)

By living in groups that are conventionally structured, shaped, and maintained, humans face behavioral challenges to maintain their own individual environmental adjustment and the cohesion of their groups. That is to say, humans strive to maintain an often-delicate balance between their individual needs and those of the group. Social problems arise when this balance does not obtain. A major aim of Psychology is the analysis of individual behavior and its interaction with its environmental conditions. A key assumption in pursuing this aim is that behavior allows the individual to adjust to its changing environment. In the case of humans, a substantial part of their environment is conventional in character. Due to this character, shared social practices are stronger determinants of humans’ adjustments to their environments than the physicochemical or ecological aspects are. As a part of an interdisciplinary approach, Psychology could supply a conceptual basis for how individuals interact in groups, identifying the variables that affect social coexistence processes. Similarly, such knowledge could be used to design interventions oriented to behavioral change in different social contexts, such as bullying at school and workplaces, public security issues, traffic and use of public spaces, and addictions.

Teamwork interaction in software development: Proposing a model
ADRIANA PEÑA (Universidad de Guadalajara), Mirna Muñoz (Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas - Mexico), Nora Rangel (Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico), Carlos de Jesús de Jesús Torres (University of Guadalajara)
Abstract: Human factor is one the most common causes for teamwork failure; and software development teams are not the exception. Currently software is developed mostly in teamwork bases, and primarily in small enterprises that require optimizing resources in order to guarantee their permanency in the market. It is then valuable to build teams from the human factor perspective aimed to effectiveness. Along with technical skills or hard skills, a team requires management skills and interpersonal skills, these last two also kwon as soft skills. We propose to integrate effective software development teams though a model based on the Team Software Process roles (Humphrey, 2006) for management skills, which are linked to the required activities in software development phases. And for interpersonal skills, interactive styles, a persistent personal behavior in particular situations that in turn could lead to understand how people might interact with others on those particular situations (Ribes, 1990). For the model, gamification is proposed to create approximations to the software development process situation, first to identify software team roles, and then to identify personal interactive styles, in order to obtain the suitable teammates towards an effective software development team.

Interbehavioral Psychology Contributions in the Field of School Education

KARLA ACUÑA (Universidad de Sonora - Mexico), Miriam Yerith Jimenez (Universidad de Sonora-México), Alfonso López (Universidad de Sonora - México)

Interbehavioral Psychology, as the discipline entrusted with studying the relation between the individual and its functional environment, can contribute knowledge towards the solution of problems in education as long as a general process theory is linked the before-mentioned knowledge. Psychological understanding, as applicable knowledge, can only result as an outcome of theory and technological investigation that adapts analytical knowledge from basic (general) science to the situational circumstance that the technology entails. In this respect, the notion of didactic interaction, as the functional unit of the teaching-learning process, has allowed the examination of the appropriateness of relationships between teacher, student and object referent. Thus, contributing to a pertinent formation before the new requirements that the context to discipline and social establishes.

Linguistic transformations may promote behavior change
Abstract: Behavior modification, behavior therapy, and psychotherapy are concerned with behavior change. From the perspective of radical behaviorism, behavior change implies a change in contingencies and usually, different techniques have been developed in order to change these contingencies in order to change target behaviors. From the perspective of cognitive-behavior frameworks, behavior change could be induced with the change in cognitions such as beliefs, ways of reasoning, or in general, mediational constructs. Recent developments in the interbehavioral psychology (Ribes, 2018) give rise to think on another ways to promote behavior change that imply the transformation of the ways which an individual talks o writes about his/her interactions with others by reflecting verbally on his/her own referential statements (theoretical practice). These types of interbehavioral contacts are labeled as “transformation contacts” and consist in changes in a linguistic domain in terms of its internal relations and functions, and therefore in changes of the operation rules that change the referential practices of a specific domain. This transformation takes place primarily as a linguistic practice, but, represents the emergence of dispositional circumstances to promote behavior change. A preliminary study is reported to show how these conceptual issues could be translated in the context of a clinical case.



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