Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Online; 2020

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Poster Session #72
OBM Saturday Poster Session
Saturday, May 23, 2020
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
81. Varying Feedback Accuracy Following Mastery: Preliminary Findings
Area: OBM; Domain: Basic Research
GALAN FALAKFARSA (California State University, Sacramento), Denys Brand (California State University, Sacramento), Joshua Bensemann (The University of Auckland, New Zealand), Lea Jones (California State University, Sacramento)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)

Performance feedback consists of providing information about past performance and indicating how to improve future performance. Feedback is one of the most frequently used procedures for changing behavior within organizational settings. However, despite its successful application across a variety of organizational settings, much remains unknown about how it acts to change behavior and increase performance. Previous research involving computerized work tasks has shown that inaccurate feedback can delay or impede skill acquisition. Such studies typically only assess the detrimental effects of inaccurate feedback when acquiring new skills; very little is known about how inaccurate feedback affects skills that have been mastered. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of varying feedback accuracies following skill mastery in undergraduate students when completing a computerized match-to-sample task. Participants initially completed 250 trials with 100% accurate feedback before completing an additional 250 trials with varying levels of feedback accuracy (i.e., 100%, 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20%). Data show that the mean number of correct responses per condition during the additional 250 trials decrease as the proportion of trials with inaccurate feedback increases.

82. A Brief Review of Preference Assessments in the Workplace
Area: OBM; Domain: Theory
MICHAEL SIMONIAN (California State University, Sacramento), Denys Brand (California State University, Sacramento), Makenna Mason (California State University, Sacramento), Megan R. Heinicke (California State University, Sacramento)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
Abstract: Stimulus preference assessments (SPAs) are procedures used to gauge a client’s relative preference for stimuli to use as potential reinforcers in a behavior change intervention. Identifying an effective reinforcer is critical to facilitate desired changes in behavior. Multiple methods of assessing stimulus preference are available, with research historically focusing on clinical populations with disabilities. A small body of research of preference assessment methodology in the workplace also exists. The current descriptive review included preference assessment articles from the Journal of Organizational Behavior Management published between 2000 and 2019. The objective of this review was to identify and synthesize trends in the organizational behavior management preference assessment literature, including the topic of study, SPA methods used, the stimuli used in SPAs and their cost, types of employees studied, and inclusions of reinforcer assessments. Ten studies met the inclusionary criteria of the review. This review identified five different topics of study, with rank-order and survey preference assessments being the most commonly used SPA methods, stimuli typically ranging between $0-10, and human service providers being the most common participants.
83. Use of Incentives to Increase Staff Participation In Training
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
JAMES SHERMAN (Evergreen Center), Joseph M. Vedora (Evergreen Center)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)

Staff working in residential treatment programs are often assigned trainings to complete to help them perform their jobs more effectively. When staff do not complete trainings employers frequently provide corrective feedback to them. However, such feedback may not have the desired effect of increasing staff participation. In the current study, staff were provided verbal and written feedback during baseline if they did not complete their assigned trainings by agency due dates. During the intervention phase, staff were offered incentives for completing quarterly trainings before a specified deadline. Once staff completed the assigned training, they were entered into a randomized drawing for gift cards to popular locations. Staff could earn more entries into the drawing for completing training earlier in the quarter. The results indicated that incentives increased the number of staff that completed the quarterly trainings. The implications of using incentives in a human service organization is discussed.

84. Pyramidal Behavior Skills Training to Teach Most-to-Least Prompting Procedures
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
Daniel Edward Locke (Bancroft), DEAN GRISOFF (Bancroft; Rider University), Jessica A Fedezko (Bancroft), Matthew David Lasoski (Bancroft), Tracy L. Kettering (Bancroft; Rider University)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
Abstract: Behavior skills training (BST) is an effective method to train staff to implement a variety of interventions. A disadvantage is the amount of time required to complete BST. This problem is amplified in workplaces that have large amounts of staff or staff in multiple locations (Parsons Royllson & Reid, 2013). Behavior analysts are able to reduce the amount of time spent in training by training staff using a pyramidal approach to train one group of trainers, who then train others (Page, Iwata, & Reid, 1982). In the current study, we adapted the BST procedures outlined by Parsons Royllson & Reid (2013) and trained three trainers in an adult day habilitation program to implement the steps of BST and a most-to-least prompting procedure. Following mastery, these trainers each used BST to train three additional day habilitation staff members on the most-to-least prompting procedure. Following training, all of the trainers were able to implement the BST procedures and train groups of three staff on the most-to-least prompting procedure. All nine staff members were also able to implement the most-to-least prompting procedures following BST.
85. Utilizing a Behavioral-Systems Approach to Understanding Academic Administration
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
EDWARD BRANDON AMEZQUITA (University of North Texas), Traci M. Cihon (University of North Texas), Williams Adolfo Espericueta (University of North Texas), Kyosuke Kazaoka (University of North Texas)
Discussant: Nicole Gravina (University of Florida)
Abstract: A Behavioral Systems Analysis (Malott, 2003) was conducted for a college advising office to support their preparations to meet the forthcoming initiatives of the college strategic plan. Through consultations with the college and advising department administration five areas were selected for the focus of the analysis: the general advising process, the role and responsibility of work study students, retention planning, coordinating course schedules and sequencing, and communication flow. A series of interviews and observations were completed to develop visual representations of the macrosystem and organizational structure and function. Additional process and task analyses that corresponded to each of the aforementioned target areas and employee roles were also completed. The results of the analysis suggested three areas for further analysis and intervention: 1) create measures of employee performance, 2) strengthen communication channels between the advising office and academic departments, and 3) create a system by which retention data feedback to academic departments are used to inform and assess their corresponding retention plans.



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