Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


46th Annual Convention; Online; 2020

Event Details

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Poster Session #389
OBM Monday Poster Session
Monday, May 25, 2020
1:00 PM–3:00 PM
59. Improving Procedural Fidelity of Natural Environment Training Using Peer Feedback
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
KARA NICOLE SHAWBITZ (Northern Michigan University), Jacob H. Daar (Northern Michigan University), Ashley Shayter (Northern Michigan University)
Discussant: Natalie A. Parks (Behavior Leader Inc.)
Abstract: For treatment to be effective, it must be implemented with high procedural fidelity. One method commonly used to increase procedural fidelity is performance feedback. Performance feedback is typically provided to paraprofessional staff by a supervisor following the performance of the target behavior. However, supervisors often have limited time to provide feedback. However, peers often work in close proximity to each other and may be able to provide more frequent feedback. Additionally, recent research has evaluated the temporal placement of feedback to determine when feedback should be provided. The present study evaluated the use of peers as a source of feedback to increase procedural fidelity scores in natural environment training. In the present study, feedback was provided either immediately following a session or immediately preceding a session. For all participants, procedural fidelity scores increased when peer feedback was provided and maintained when it was withdrawn. Procedural fidelity scores were higher for all participants when peer feedback was provided ten minutes prior to a natural environment training session, suggesting that pre-session feedback might be more effective.
61. Evaluating the Effects of a Randomized Dependent Group Contingency on Employee Completion of Assigned Job Duties in an Autism Clinic
Area: OBM; Domain: Applied Research
ASHLEY DIANA MONDATI (Caldwell University ), Meghan Deshais (Caldwell University)
Discussant: Natalie A. Parks (Behavior Leader Inc.)
Abstract: Group contingencies are efficient in terms of time and resources and may promote accountability and teamwork among group members. The majority of previous research on the effects of group contingencies has been conducted in school settings although several studies have indicated that group contingencies may be effective at promoting employee behavior change in the workplace (Berkovits, Sturmey, & Alvero, 2012; Brown & Redmon, 1990; Camden, Price, & Ludwig, 2011). To our knowledge, the effects of a randomized dependent group contingency on employee behavior in the workplace are currently unknown. In a randomized dependent group contingency, the target individual whose performance dictates if the group receives reinforcement, is unknown. We used a reversal design to evaluate the effects of a randomized dependent group contingency on employee completion of assigned job duties at an university-based autism clinic. Results indicated increases in job-duty completion during the randomized dependent group contingency condition relative to baseline.
62. Effects of a Video Self-Monitoring Procedure to Increase Treatment Integrity of Paraprofessionals' Implementation of Discrete Trial Training
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
AILBHE NUDI-MULDOON (University of New Mexico; Temple University), Matthew Tincani (Temple University)
Discussant: Natalie A. Parks (Behavior Leader Inc.)
Abstract: Behavior skills training is a didactic training format used to increase skill in an effective and efficient way. Video self-monitoring refers to the process of recording oneself for the purpose of self-review in order to observe and change one's behavior. The purpose of the following study was to determine if an intervention package that included Behavioral Skills Training (BST) and Video Self-Monitoring (VSM) would increase, generalize and, maintain high levels of treatment integrity of paraprofessional staff members while teaching a discrete trial training program to a student with autism. Additionally, student behavior was observed to determine if increased staff effectiveness would affect learner responding. The study found that the intervention package was effective in changing staff behavior by improving their treatment integrity. An observed change in student behavior emerged towards the end of the study when treatment integrity was high across staff members. Staff behavior generalized when the DTT program was implemented with a novel student. Additionally, maintenance of treatment integrity remained high after the intervention was withdrawn. Overall, these findings suggest that BST, followed by VSM, is an effective intervention for changing staff behavior.
63. The Affects of Public Posting on Staff Delivery of Client Learn Units
Area: OBM; Domain: Service Delivery
MAGDA A. GUCWA (The Faison Center, Inc.), Rachel L Ernest (The Faison Center)
Discussant: Natalie A. Parks (Behavior Leader Inc.)
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of 3 different conditions on rate of learn units delivered by staff/received by clients and rate of masteries achieved. Participants in this study included 14 children between the ages of 2 and 6, with diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder, and 19 technicians in a clinic-based Early Education Center. Baseline data was collected on the rate of learn units that each client received and rate of masteries achieved. In the first condition, public postings were implemented for all clients and staff. Preliminary data showed an increase in the rate of learn units delivered across the first month that public postings alone were implemented. This data also indicated no change in the overall rate of masteries achieved. In the second condition, learn unit goals will be established for each client and each staff, and the effects of this condition will be assessed. In the third condition, incentives will put in place for staff to meet learn unit goals, and the effects of this condition will be assessed.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh