Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


49th Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2023

Event Details

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Symposium #4
CE Offered: BACB
Progressive Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA): Methods, Training, and Research Considerations
Saturday, May 27, 2023
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 4A/B
Area: AUT/DEV; Domain: Service Delivery
Chair: Thomas L. Zane (University of Kansas)
CE Instructor: Thomas L. Zane, Ph.D.

Leaf and colleagues (2016) described what they called a progressive approach to applied behavior analysis (ABA) as it relates to autism and autism intervention. This approach is distinguished from a conventional approach to ABA in that the main source of control of the interventionist’s behavior is the client and the client’s context. As a result, a progressive approach to ABA is client centered, comprehensive, and flexible which requires the interventionist to constantly assess and change their behavior based on relevant variables. This symposium includes three presentations discussing methods, training, and research related to a progressive approach to ABA. The first presentation will discuss several methods that fall within a progressive approach to ABA. The second presentation will discuss training and the challenges with training interventionists to implement a progressive approach to ABA. The final presentation will discuss suggestions on how to conduct research on this approach and related challenges with conducting research on a progressive approach.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): applied research, clinical judgment, progressive aba, training
Target Audience:

This symposium would be of benefit for anyone providing supervision to behavior technicians providing services for autistics/individuals diagnosed with ASD (e.g., BCaBAs, BCBAs). This symposium would be of benefit for anyone interested in conducting research on flexible approaches to intervention that require in-the-moment assessment of relevant variables (e.g., BCBAs, applied researchers).

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: 1) identify and describe at least three methods considered to be a progressive approach or that can be implemented in a progressive manner; 2) identify and describe at least two methods and challenges associated with training interventionists on a progressive approach to ABA; 3) identify and describe at least two challenges associated with conducting research on a progressive approach to ABA.
A Description and Research Examples of Some Progressive Teaching Methods
JOSEPH H. CIHON (Autism Partnership Foundation; Endicott College)
Abstract: One of the distinguishing features of a progressive approach to ABA as it relates to autism and autism intervention is that the main source of control for the interventionist’s behavior is the client and the client’s context. Implementation of this approach requires methods that are flexible and can change based on moment-to-moment analysis of relevant variables (e.g., current and past performance, general health, client input). Interventionists cannot simply rely on a protocol, no matter how thorough, to inform what they should do and when they should do it. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an in-depth description of several methods that may be considered progressive in their implementation as well as how methods can be implemented in a progressive manner. Challenges with the implementation of these methods and research examples will also be provided.

Training Others to Implement a Progressive Approach to Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

CHRISTINE MILNE-SEMINARA (Autism Partnership Foundation)

As the research on a progressive approach to ABA continues to grow, it is important to consider the skills required to implement such procedures and effective training methods teach interventionists to implement such procedures. While many of the skill sets used for implementation are also used when training others, it is important to discuss how these skills compare and contrast when translated to a training setting. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a description of methods used to train others to implement a progressive approach to ABA, potential challenges that might arise related to this training, and future directions for research as it relates to training interventionists on a progressive approach to ABA.

Conducting Research on a Progressive Approach to Applied Behavior Analysis: Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions
JULIA FERGUSON (Autism Partnership Foundation)
Abstract: Conducting research on progressive teaching methods for children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder can be challenging when it comes to the technological dimension of applied behavior analysis due to the flexible nature of the approach and reliance on an interventionist’s clinical judgment and moment-to-moment assessment. Over the past decade, research on progressive teaching methods has increased and advances have occurred for methods to collect data and capture the interventionist’s changing behavior and in-the-moment decisions. The purpose of this presentation is to provide an overview of the advances that have occurred in the research related to progressive teaching methods, unique challenges associated with conducting research on methods that rely on an interventionist’s clinical judgment, and discuss future directions for research on this approach.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh