Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


49th Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2023

Event Details

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Symposium #79
Innovative Applications of Telehealth
Saturday, May 27, 2023
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 1A/B
Area: DDA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Kelly M. Schieltz (University of Iowa)
CE Instructor: Kelly M. Schieltz, Ph.D.

Telehealth is a service delivery tool that has been used across healthcare for decades to increase patient access to healthcare. However, the use of telehealth as a mode to increase access takes on many purposes (e.g., increase skills or knowledge) within a variety of formats (e.g., synchronous versus asynchronous; direct patient care versus consultation versus education). As the use of telehealth continues to grow in behavior analysis, the expansion of its focus and format also grows with innovative applications that continue to further our understanding of how it can best be used to fulfill the needs of our clients and workforce. As an example of this expansion, this symposium highlights the work of three different research groups who sought to (a) evaluate the effects of a telehealth model for improving the workplace social skills of adolescents with developmental disabilities, (b) understand the current literature on the use of teleeducation to improve the knowledge and practices of teachers, and (c) qualify the live coaching behaviors of therapists who supported parents via telehealth to implement functional analysis and functional communication training procedures with their children in their homes.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): coaching, teleeducation, telehealth
Target Audience:

Intermediate audience experience with telehealth and coaching providers/caregivers and/or clients

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be able to: (1) describe how telehealth was utilized to increase workplace social skills of adolescents with developmental disabilities; (2) summarize the techniques used via telehealth to improve the knowledge and skills of teachers; (3) describe the most and least commonly used therapist behaviors during behavioral assessment and treatment phases when providing live coaching to parents via telehealth.

Technician-Delivered Telehealth to Teach Transferable Vocational Skills to Adolescents With Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities

JULIA M HRABAL (Baylor University), MacKenzie Raye Wicker (Baylor University), Tonya Nichole Davis (Baylor University), Renming Liu (Baylor University), Kristina McGinnis (Baylor University), Poorvi Balaji (Baylor University)

Obtaining and maintaining employment is a critical goal for individuals transitioning into adulthood; however, high rates of unemployment continue to be demonstrated among individuals with disabilities. Deficits in transferable skills, also known as “soft skills” or “workplace social skills”, are a barrier that prevents many individuals with autism from acquiring and maintaining employment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a technician-delivered telehealth model to teach transferable skills to adolescents and adults diagnosed with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Three individuals ages 15 to 18 years with a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder participated in the study. Each participant selected three transferable skills in which they wished to improve. During intervention sessions, a BCBA shared written instructions via the screen share function of Zoom. The implementer then instructed the participant to complete the specific vocational skill and delivered least-to-most prompting with vocal instructions and model prompts. Results indicate that technician-delivered telehealth is a viable model for teaching transferable vocational skills. Limitations and areas for future research will be discussed.

Using Virtual Coaching to Increase Teacher Implementation Fidelity: A Systematic and Quality ReviewUsing Virtual Coaching to Increase Teacher Implementation Fidelity: A Systematic and Quality Review
CHARISSA DONN RICHARDS (Purdue University), Amanda M Borosh (Purdue University), Rose A. Mason (Purdue University)
Abstract: Teachers often report feeling that they need more training and support to implement evidence-based practices in the classroom. One way to help teachers feel better equipped in this area is to provide them with professional development and coaching around specific practices. This can be a challenge for some school districts due to budgetary concerns or distance from experts in the field. Recently, there has been a move towards providing coaching and feedback via virtual methods. To assess what research is currently available on this this topic, a systematic review was conducted. Results of the systematic review show that numerous coaching and feedback techniques are being used across different classroom topics including behavior management strategies, social-emotional development, and academic skills. To better understand which of these studies are of high quality, the authors also conducted a quality review using the CEC quality indicators. The results of the review will be discussed along with future implications for the field around virtual coaching methods.

A Retrospective Analysis of Therapists’ Coaching Behavior When Directing Parents to Conduct Behavioral Assessments and Treatments via Telehealth

Alesia Larsen (University of Iowa), KELLY SCHIELTZ (University of Iowa), Amanda Barrett (University of Iowa), Matthew O'Brien (The University of Iowa)

Research on the delivery of behavioral assessment and treatment via telehealth has focused largely on child outcomes and parent procedural fidelity. By contrast, the behavior of the therapists coaching parents to conduct assessment and treatment has garnered little research consideration. In this study, we conducted a retrospective analysis of behavior therapists’ coaching behaviors when directing parents to conduct functional analysis (FA) and functional communication training (FCT) with their young children with autism via telehealth. Coaching behaviors for five experienced behavior therapists across seven parent-child dyads were scored using a combination of standardized and novel behavior codes. Therapists displayed more social engagement behaviors than any other type of behavior throughout the study, and rates of antecedent and consequence behaviors shifted across the FA and FCT phases. Results are discussed in relation to therapists’ goals during behavioral assessment and treatment and the implications for training behavioral therapists to coach parents via telehealth.




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Modifed by Eddie Soh