Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


37th Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2011

Program by Invited Tutorials: Sunday, May 29, 2011

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Invited Tutorial #178
CE Offered: PSY/BACB
If You Can't Always Get What You Want-Get What You Need: Introduction to Behavior Analytic Principles of Interpersonal Influence
Sunday, May 29, 2011
10:00 AM–10:50 AM
607 (Convention Center)
Area: CBM/PRA; Domain: Service Delivery
PSY/BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: William Follette, Ph.D.
Chair: Jonathan W. Kanter (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Presenting Authors: : WILLIAM C. FOLLETTE (University of Nevada, Reno), Glenn M. Callaghan (San Jose State University)

Behavior analysts have powerful tools to produce behavior change in a very broad range of populations. Yet an effective intervention can be stopped in its tracks when the behavior analyst consultant cannot get the primary care provider or direct care staff to follow the principles and protocols that were developed to be helpful. There has been little attention paid to problems that arise at this interface. This tutorial will provide an introduction to behavior change principles that can be applied to create a relationship between the behavioral consultant and treatment provider so that collaboration and problem-solving readily occur. To achieve this aim the tutorial will show how the behavior analyst can approach a functional analysis to the consulting relationship to identify stimuli that impede or improve collaboration. Functional classes of responses that should be considered will be discussed that pay particular attention to the stimulus properties of the consultant as well as his or her repertoire for effectively assessing and influencing the service provider. The tutorial will provide conceptual information as well as clinical scenarios one is likely to encounter when implementing programs. The emphasis will be on building constructive repertoires in both the consultant and provider.

WILLIAM C. FOLLETTE (University of Nevada, Reno), Glenn M. Callaghan (San Jose State University)
Dr. Follette is Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training in the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno. He received his B.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Washington with specialty training in clinical psychology and minors in quantitative and physiologic psychology. Dr. Follette has served on NIH review panels across a broad range of content areas including substance abuse, depression, and behavioral medicine. He has been an invited participant in NIMH sponsored conferences on translational research including the most recent Science of Behavior Change Conference where he was a discussant on mechanisms of change in behavioral science. He has also served on panels to assess empirically supported treatments for APA. He has been guest editor on special issues of the journals Behavior Therapy, Behavioral Assessment, and the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology on theoretical and philosophical issues in behavior therapy and critiques of, and behavioral alternatives to DSM-IV. He has contributed several articles to the Behavior Analyst ranging from behavior analytic interpretations of psychological health, functional analysis, and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy, an intervention based on a behavior analytic understanding of the change process in psychotherapy.
Invited Tutorial #209
CE Offered: PSY/BACB
Behavior Analysis in Virginia: Improving Services Through the Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis
Sunday, May 29, 2011
11:00 AM–11:50 AM
Korbel Ballroom 2A (Convention Center)
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Behavior Analysis
PSY/BACB CE Offered. CE Instructor: Katherine Meincke Matthews, Ph.D.
Chair: Jessica Singer-Dudek (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Presenting Authors: : KATHERINE MEINCKE MATTHEWS (The Faison School for Autism)

This presentation will provide an overview of a comprehensive model of behavior analytic education as it has been implemented and replicated in schools in the State of Virginia. The Faison School, initially established as an affiliate program of Virginia Commonwealth University, has grown from a program offour students to nearly 100, all diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or other developmental disability. The school is now affiliated with the applied behavior analysis program at Teachers College Columbia University and the Department of Behavioral Psychology at the Kennedy Krieger Institute. Through these affiliations, the school offers a comprehensive behavior analytic model of education and training alongside more intensive intervention services for students removed from public education settings. The school's data-driven and individualized system allows for immediate data collection and analysis of the behaviors of teachers and students, which allows participants to receive the most appropriate services and tactics for all areas of learning and teaching. In total, the school maintains data on learn units, Teacher Performance Rate Accuracy Observations, teacher decisions, student and staff achievement toward goals, as some examples. The model has also recently been replicated in the public schools. In this presentation, the CABAS components, including learn units, teacher data, decision analyses, and assessments, will be reviewed and discussed as well as future needs and directions of the model overall.

KATHERINE MEINCKE MATTHEWS (The Faison School for Autism)
Dr. Kathy Matthews is the Executive Director of The Faison School for Autism in Richmond, Virginia. The Faison School is a Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling (CABAS�) component program providing educational services to students aged 2-22 in a publicly funded, private setting. The school is affiliated with the Applied Behavior Analysis program at Teachers College Columbia University and the Department of Behavioral Psychology at Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins. Dr. Matthews holds an Adjunct teaching position at Teachers College, an Associate Behavior Analyst rank with CABAS�, and is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst. Prior to The Faison School, Dr. Matthews obtained her Ph.D. in Behavior Analysis from Teachers College Columbia University where she also taught courses and mentored graduate students. While in New York, Dr. Matthews worked as an ABA Program Supervisor at The Fred S. Keller School and Shema Kolainu. She also served as a Licensed Teacher for a BOCES program in NY and as a Behavior Analyst Consultant to the CABAS� home programs and to the Jigsaw School in Surrey, England. Further, Dr. Matthews has conducted numerous presentations at professional conferences and participated in research opportunities since 2001 on the topics of Verbal Behavior, Metaphor, Teacher Training, Peer Tutoring, Stimulus Equivalence, and CABAS� System Development.



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