International Paper Session - Equivalence and Verbal Behavior |
Saturday, May 26, 2007 |
1:00 PM–1:50 PM |
Elizabeth B |
Area: VBC |
Chair: Yors A. Garcia (Southern Illinois University) |
A Comparison of Naming and Fixed-Ratio Training on the Emergence of Stimulus Equivalence Classes. |
Domain: Applied Research |
YORS A. GARCIA (Southern Illinois University), Ruth Anne Rehfeldt (Southern Illinois University) |
Abstract: The objective of the present study was compare two procedures for facilitating the emergence of equivalence classes in college students. In one condition, participants were first taught to give class-consistent names to the stimuli which would subsequently be conditionally related. In a second condition, participants were first taught to emit common fixed ratio responses in the presence of stimuli which would subsequently be conditionally related. After this training, participants completed conditional discrimination training, followed by equivalence testing. In a control condition, participants were taught conditional discriminations, followed by equivalence testing. A “think aloud” procedure was implemented throughout the three conditions in the conditional discrimination and equivalence testing. Results suggest that both approaches were equally effective in facilitating the emergence of stimulus classes. Also the results from the protocol analysis suggest that naming is not necessarily necessary for class formation. |
Emergence of the Equivalence-Equivalence Relationships and the Analogies in the Verbal Development. |
Domain: Applied Research |
INMACULADA GOMEZ BECERRA (Universidad Almería, Spain), Rosa García Barranco Brranco (University of Almería, Spain), Mapy Chavez-Brown (Wagner College) |
Abstract: The objective of the present study is to know in that moment of the normative development widespread equivalence-equivalence responses are shown and to analyze the paper of certain prerequirement and symbolic behaviors. A transversal design is applied, with 10 pupils of different groups of chronological age (of 5 to 9 years-old). Different aspects are evaluated: the visual-visual equivalence-equivalence through matching to the sample and traditionals tasks of analogy; the receptive and expressive linguistics abilities; the behavior repertoire of speaking as own listener; and the level of development of other operants (intellectual coefficient and skills to categorize and take out resemblances), measures directly in structured situations, and/or informed by parents and educators. |