Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #182
New Advances in Behavioral Activation for Depression
Sunday, May 27, 2007
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Edward D
Area: CBM; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Andrew Busch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Abstract: Behavioral Activation began with Lewinsohn’s notion of activating clients to produce response-contingent positive reinforcement and recently has been revitalized and expanded. This symposium will present new theory and research on Behavioral Activation (BA). First, Alex Czarnecki will present on efforts to develop a clinical measure of activation: the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS). Second, Laura Rusch will present data on a newly developed adaptation of BA for the treatment of depressed Latinos. Third, Rachel Manos will present on the potential of Functional Analtyic Psychotherapy to enhance BA through the in vivo application of BA techniques. Finally, Laura Turner will present data on a uniquely designed study of this combination treatment to target interpersonal relationship difficulties.
Using the Behavioral Activation for Depression Scale (BADS).
ALEX CZARNECKI (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Andrew Busch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Laura C. Rusch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Jonathan W. Kanter (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Abstract: Recently, the psychotherapy research community has devoted a considerable amount of attention to the use of Behavioral Activation (BA) as a treatment for depression and two randomized controlled trials have supported its efficacy. This presents an obvious need for a system for measuring the degree of activation in clients over the course of BA as a way for clinicians to assess treatment progress and for researchers to examine mechanism of change. This paper presents new data on the BADS, a self-report scale developed previously for that purpose. The BADS has four empirically derived subscales: activation, avoidance/rumination, social impairment, and work/school impairment that attempt to assess the behavioral function as well as the form of these constructs.. In the current study the BADS was administered to 200 depressed outpatients and community members. We present additional data on the psychometric properties of the BADS (confirmatory factor analysis) and also present several individual cases to demonstrate how the BADS can be used by behavior analysts to assess change graphically.
A Culturally and Linguistically Adapted Version of Behavioral Activation for Latinos: Preliminary Findings.
LAURA C. RUSCH (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Jonathan W. Kanter (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Andrew Busch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Azara Santiago-Rivera (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Abstract: Little formal research on the treatment of depression in Latinos exists. Behavioral Activation may be a particularly appropriate treatment for Latino depression, as it targets the complex environmental stressors experienced by this population with a simple, pragmatic approach. It may also be effective at retaining Latino clients in treatment. Many scholars have recommended a behavioral approach for the treatment of Latino depression, but it has only been tested in one early study. Furthermore, no attempts have been made to tailor a behavioral approach to the unique needs of this population and specifically to target premature termination. This paper presents the development of BA for Latino depression and preliminary data from a randomized controlled trial comparing this treatment to treatment as usual in a Latino community clinic.
Making Behavioral Activation More Behavioral: Enhancement with Functional Analytic Psychotherapy.
RACHEL MANOS (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Andrew Busch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Laura C. Rusch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Laura Beth Turner (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Jonathan W. Kanter (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Abstract: Behavioral Activation (BA), a psychotherapeutic treatment for depression, has recently received much attention in the psychotherapy research community. This treatment focuses on increasing engagement in goal-directed activities and decreasing avoidance and social withdrawal. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is a broadly applicable treatment that focuses on improving interpersonal behavior through therapist natural, contingent responding to problems and improvements as they occur in the therapeutic relatioship. FAP was designed to be applied adjunctively and several features of these two treatments suggest that a combination treatment is theoretically consistent and promising. First, both are contextual treatments that involve ideographic assessment in order to identify relevant target behaviors. Second, the framework of FAP allows for the application of the BA model in vivo, creating in session activation assignments. Finally, the BA homework assignment structure can be utilized to encourage generalization of improved in vivo behaviors to the client’s daily life. Thus, enhancing BA with FAP should make BA more behavioral and more effective.
An Application of FAP Enhanced Behavioral Activation (FEBA) to Non-Clinical Relationships Difficulties.
LAURA BETH TURNER (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Rachel Manos (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Laura C. Rusch (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Jonathan W. Kanter (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Abstract: Behavioral Activation (BA) is an empirically supported treatment that seeks to increase active engagement with the environment and decrease ineffective avoidance behaviors. Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP) is behavioral treatment that focuses on interpersonal relationships and therapist natural, contingent responding to problems as they occur in the therapeutic relationship. FAP Enhanced Behavioral Activation (FEBA) is a combination of these treatments that has the potential to create powerful and lasting changes in interpersonal relationship difficulties. This paper presents preliminary data on FEBA as an approach to improve relationship difficulties. Participants were randomly assigned to either have one member of the couple receive 8 50-minute sessions of FEBA relationship coaching or to be placed in a waitlist control group. Prior to and following treatment, the couple engaged in a prompted conversation about relationship difficulties and physiological measures of arousal were collected. Pre- and post-treatment physiological arousal and questionnaire data comparing control and treatment groups will be presented. This innovative design allows for a test of generalization of improvements from the member of the couple attending coaching to the member who did not attend.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh