Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #191
CE Offered: BACB
Teaching Behavior Analysis: Bringing the Corporate University to Human Services
Sunday, May 27, 2007
10:30 AM–11:50 AM
Mohsen AB
Area: TBA/EDC; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Daniel Gould (New England Center for Children)
Discussant: Chris Hakala (Western New England College)
CE Instructor: Daniel Gould, Ph.D.

The corporate university, a contemporary educational model designed to maintain an expert workforce, brings higher education opportunities into the workplace. In this model, on-site credit-bearing courses allow employees to acquire additional academic degrees and certifications. Increasingly, agencies offering behavioral services are developing programs of research and professional development that allow them to assume scholarly functions beyond housing courses. The three papers included in this symposium illustrate human service agency contributions to higher education. Topics addressed include (a) establishment of a laboratory to increase graduate students verbal fluency with behavioral principles and procedures, (b) development of a model for providing supervision required for certification that integrates classroom learning and work experiences, and (c) establishment and integration of a Ph.D. program in ABA in a human service agency.

Establishing Verbal Fluency with Basic Principles of Behavior.
MAEVE G. MEANY-DABOUL (New England Center for Children), Karen E. Gould (The May Institute, Northeastern)
Abstract: The Verbal Fluency Laboratory (VFL) was developed to assist students in a graduate program for applied behavior analysis to acquire conversational fluency with behavioral principles and procedures. The goals of the VFL are to increase verbal fluency among prospective behavior analysts using a definition of fluency based on reasoning and generalization rather than speed, and to develop an effective teaching method based on learning through dialogue. Throughout their first two terms in the graduate program, students meet individually with teaching assistants. During these meetings, they engage in a 10-15 minute structured discussion based on assigned readings. Occasional probe questions require the students to either perform certain logical operations such as answer an either/or question or to generalize information. Following each discussion, the student and teaching assistant complete a questionnaire in which they rate the student’s fluency-related behaviors. A brief 3-item oral quiz based on the assigned material follows. Videotapes of the discussion allow study of both the methods for creating dialogue and the student’s fluency.
A Supervision Model to Meet BACB® Certification Requirements.
MYRNA E. LIBBY (New England Center for Children), Pamela M. Olsen (New England Center for Children), Jennifer Long (New England Center for Children)
Abstract: This paper presents a model for integrating Supervised Independent Fieldwork into a human-services agency, following The Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s new Experience Standards. The model includes two components: (a) six semester-length modules covering a variety of applied topics derived from the Task List, and (b) three Applied Research Placements. The modules, which are designed to give all students common experiences, include readings and additional activities that are completed in the clinical setting. Modules are structured to allow group supervision by a BCBA. A second component, Research Placement, allows students to implement applied research projects under the one-to-one supervision of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst® and to explore individual interests.
Doctoral Training in ABA: Western New England College and New England Center for Children Collaboration.
DENNIS J. KOLODZIEJSKI (Western New England College), Daniel Gould (New England Center for Children)
Abstract: The New England Center for Children (NECC) and Western New England College (WNEC) have collaborated to offer a post-master’s degree Ph.D. program in Applied Behavior Analysis beginning in Fall 2007. The 3-year program will be offered on site at NECC. Courses will be taught by a combination of NECC and WNEC faculty. Research will be conducted at NECC under the supervision of senior clinical staff and WNEC faculty. In this presentation, we discuss the mechanisms for establishing an advanced degree program on-site at a human services agency, as well as some advantages and disadvantages of a service-agency based doctoral program.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh