Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Symposium #230
Teaching Applied Behavior Analysis to Pre-Service Teachers
Sunday, May 27, 2007
1:30 PM–2:50 PM
Mohsen AB
Area: TBA; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Robert L. Morgan (Utah State University)
Abstract: Teachers are often faced with the need to design, implement, and analyze behavior intervention plans. Before teachers can manage behavior interventions, they must be well-versed in applied behavior analysis research, functional behavior assessment, and positive behavioral support procedures. In the context of special education teacher training programs, knowledge and skills in behavior analysis sometimes compete with training requirements in other areas (e.g., delivery of instruction, assessment). In this symposium, presenters will describe methods for teaching applied behavior analysis research and applications to preservice teacher trainees. In the first presentation, Allen-Williams and Alexander will describe incorporation of behavior analysis content into various courses and preservice teachers’ feedback on their level of preparation at Weber State University. In the second presentation, Stenhoff will describe a one-semester course and application opportunities at University of Kentucky. In the third presentation, Morgan and Vasquez will describe a two-semester sequence of courses and school-based applications at Utah State University. Finally, Williams will describe infusion of behavior analysis research and applied projects into undergraduate and graduate courses at Gonzaga University. The symposium will present various ways to address the challenge of providing preservice teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to manage behavior interventions in school settings.
Infusing Applied Behavior Analysis into Non-Traditional Courses: Foundations and Applications.
NATALIE ALLEN-WILLIAMS (Weber State University), Melina Alexander (Weber State University)
Abstract: As two new tenure-track professors at a university where courses specific to Applied Behavior Analysis are not offered, the presenters have been challenged to educate our students in the principles of ABA. The presenters have incorporated teaching ABA principles and developing student research skills in classes that previously lacked this component; specifically the classroom management course. In this course students are taught how to implement action research in their practicum and student teaching experiences. We oversee these projects that reinforce ABA principles. Along with this we have incorporated ABA principles in our foundations and reading courses, two courses which previously did not contain any content related to the specifics of ABA. The presenters will describe how ABA principles have been infused and provide student feedback on how these efforts have impacted their skills.
Methods of Teaching a One-Semester Behavior Analysis Course without an Applied Setting Experience.
DONALD M. STENHOFF (University of Kentucky)
Abstract: Ideally while undergraduate students are taught new information and skills there should be multiple opportunities for those students to practice applying the knowledge and skills with feedback in the classroom and in applied settings. This is especially important for students who are initially learning principles of behavior and behavior change methods. Despite the importance of using the knowledge and skills in applied settings, this is not always possible due to the structure of undergraduate education programs. For example, some schools may not have practicum experiences available and only provide a one semester course of Applied Behavior Analysis. Thus, it is important that the activities and assignments during the course approximate experiences that are relevant to those found in applied settings. Additionally, due to the constraints of a one semester only ABA course, it becomes imperative to identify the knowledge and skills students will need across a variety of professional settings. The purpose of this presentation is to describe an ABA one-semester course at the University of Kentucky. The presenter will discuss the intricacies and activities used to compensate for limited exposure to and direct application of ABA principles and methods.
Methods for Teaching a Two-Semester Sequence of Behavior Analysis Courses with School-Based Applications.
ROBERT L. MORGAN (Utah State University), Eleazar Vasquez, III (Utah State University)
Abstract: Under certain conditions, special education teachers conduct functional behavior assessment (FBA) and FBA-based interventions in school settings. Tasks involve direct observation, data collection, analysis of contextual variables, hypothesis generation and testing regarding the function of the behavior, identification of alternative behaviors aligned with function, programming of antecedent events and reinforcing consequences, and analyzing data. Preservice teachers need to be taught to perform these functions at a high level of proficiency. At a pre-service level, special education trainees at Utah State University are introduced to single-case behavior analysis research, then conduct FBA and FBA-based interventions in a two-semester sequence of school-based experiences. Students carry out applications in schools. Each semester, preservice teachers participate in practicum classrooms for 6 hours per week, providing opportunities to carry out the FBA-based interventions as well as other projects. This presentation will describe the courses, school-based applications, sample students and target behaviors, and intervention outcomes. Examples of FBA-based interventions conducted by preservice teachers will be presented.
Applied Behavior Analysis and the Special Education Teacher Training Programs at Gonzaga University.
RANDY LEE WILLIAMS (Gonzaga University), Thomas Ford McLaughlin (Gonzaga University), K. Mark Derby (Gonzaga University), Kimberly P. Weber (Gonzaga University), Anjali Barretto (Gonzaga University)
Abstract: This presentation will summarize how Applied Behavior Analysis is taught and interwoven into the undergraduate and graduate programs in special education teacher preparation at Gonzaga University. Students master precise definitions and diagrams of the basic principles of learning and data-based procedures based on those principles. All faculty use the same definitions throughout the entire programs. All faculty use data-based effective college teaching techniques, such as written study questions, frequent assessment over small units of material, retake opportunities to demostrate mastery, guided notes, and response boards. Additionally, Gonzaga students complete at least four applied research projects (two during student teaching) in which the Gonzaga students teach socially significant behaviors to children or adults with disabilities.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh