Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


33rd Annual Convention; San Diego, CA; 2007

Event Details

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Paper Session #441
International Paper Session - Social, Environmental and Forensic Challenges Confronting Behavior Analysis Today
Monday, May 28, 2007
4:00 PM–4:50 PM
Gregory AB
Area: CSE
Chair: Julian C. Leslie (University of Ulster)
Forty Years Later a Behaviorist Reflects of the Population Bomb.
Domain: Applied Research
ROBIN RUMPH (Stephen F. Austin State University), Chris Ninness (Stephen F. Austin State University), Glen L. McCuller (Stephen F. Austin State University), James Holland (Stephen F. Austin State University)
Abstract: Paul Ehrlich’s book was nothing short of a sensation when it was published in 1968 and helped launch the modern environmental movement of the 1970’s. The authors revisit the book’s central themes and the dire predictions of catastrophe made in the book. Through a behavior analytic lens the authors analyze the effects of rapid population growth on human behavior, culture and natural resources. The authors also address potential factors encouraging population growth and strategies for reducing population.
Can Behavior Analysis Save the World? Changing Energy Use Behavior.
Domain: Applied Research
JULIAN C. LESLIE (University of Ulster), Deborah Roy (University of Ulster), Patricia Watson (University of Ulster)
Abstract: There is a growing international consensus that urgent action is required to halt the process of climate change arising from carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The crucial need to change human energy-using behavior is equally widely agreed. We review the limited existing literature on the application of behavior analysis, and related strategies in this area, and suggest some alternative intervention techniques. This research area raises fundamental questions about the target of a behavioral program: arguably the target should be the final product of many behaviors (carbon emissions) rather than specific behaviour classes. However, it may be possible to treat carbon-producing behaviors as members of one functional class. We conclude that this is an area where behavior analysts could make a major contribution in the next few years. This would be facilitated by the rapid development of international networks of those working in this field. The Association for Behavior Analysis International may be able to help with this.
Forensic Behavior Analysis: Is it Time?
Domain: Applied Research
DAVID L. HOLMES (Lifespan Services, LLC)
Abstract: Over the past few years there has been a significant increase in awareness by the public of malpractice in the use of behavior modifying procedures. Restraint procedures have taken the greatest scrutiny as individuals with autism and other behavioral challenges have been killed or suffered serious injury when such procedures have been employed. Additionally, as ABA has been touted as the most effective treatment approach to teach adaptive behavior in schools and other treatment settings, the public has found that it can use these evidence based strategies against their practitioners if progress has not been demonstrated. This session will address the important tools used in formulating either defense or plaintiff positions when legal action is taken. First hand examples of court cases will be described as they relate to: prosecuting wrongful death utilizing restraint; defending against Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome acusations following restraint implementation; supporting a position of 'lack of appropriate education services' utilizing Functional Behavior Assessment [FBA] techniques; and, legal techniques for securing ABA based residential services due to a history of ineffective treatment.



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