Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


49th Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2023

Event Details

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Symposium #303
CE Offered: BACB
Moving the Agenda Forward: Facilitating Autonomy and Self-Management in Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Behavioral Challenges
Monday, May 29, 2023
8:00 AM–9:50 AM
Convention Center Mile High Ballroom 4C/D
Area: AUT/CBM; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Erik Jacobson (Upstate Caring Partners)
Discussant: Troy A Fry (Essential For Living)
CE Instructor: Erik Jacobson, Ph.D.

This symposium will cover the need for advocacy and policy change related to adults with autism spectrum disorders. The talks will focus on specific interventions that target high risk aggressive behavior and the manner in which these issues can be addressed through the use of a comprehensive treatment package that is steeped in applied behavior analysis. The indications for organizations and the population of adults will be evaluated within its broader context. The symposium will also discuss the application of a specific curriculum for use with the adult population with ASD and other intellectual disabilities. The Assessment of Adult Core Competencies Curriculum for Clients with Severe Aggression (ACCEA), as well as The Skills Based Treatment model (SBT) will be detailed as they are employed in active treatment settings to enhance autonomy for those that serve adult populations.

Instruction Level: Intermediate
Keyword(s): Adult Curriculum, Adults/Autism, Community Inclusion, Problem Behavior
Target Audience:

Participants will be able to identify proactive approaches to problem behavior. Participants will be able to select effective Organizational Behavior Management techniques. Participants will be familiar with the Skills Based Training (SBT) approach.

Learning Objectives: • Participants will label objectives and goals of Universal Protocol • Participants will identify steps to implement Universal Protocol in congregate care settings • Participants will be presented outcomes related to implementation of Universal Protocol in settings where adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) are served.

The Assessment of Adult Core Competencies (ACCEA): Building Autonomy and Community Inclusion for Adults With Autism and Behavioral Challenges

JOHN M. GUERCIO (Benchmark Human Services)

This presentation will cover the need for advocacy and organizational change related to adults with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and problem behavior. The talk will focus on specific interventions that target high risk aggressive behavior and the manner in which these issues can be addressed through the use of a comprehensive treatment package that targets some of the crucial outcome areas that are important for adults with autism or other Intellectual Disabilities. Specific clinical applications of the Assessment of Adult Core Competencies Curriculum (ACCEA) will be detailed along with the socially valid outcomes that were observed for each case. The indications for organizations and the population of adults with ASD will be evaluated within a broader context. The application of the ACCEA curriculum will also be detailed as it applies to specific outcome areas that are crucial for community inclusion for adults with ASD that display problem behavior.


The Universal Protocol: Building a Culture That Fosters Agency and Autonomy for Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorder

JON HORN (Upstate Caring Partners)

Building autonomy or safely addressing behavioral challenges in congregate care requires continuity between clinical interventions and the day-to-day behaviors of direct support professionals. The Universal Protocol can fill this gap, teaching interactions that are safe, dignifying, and relationship-based. This talk will describe the Universal Protocol and the role it plays as both a cultural foundation for an organization and the first step to an integrated skill-based teaching model for adults with (and without) behavioral challenges. Additionally, the talk will highlight the introduction of Universal Protocol to Upstate Cerebral Palsy over the past few years and its impact on various outcome measures such as restraint reduction and staff satisfaction.


Understanding Synthesized Reinforcement and Using an Omnibus Mand to Teach Self-Advocacy to Adults With Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Behavioral Challenges

MARA VANDERZELL (Upstate Caring Partners)

This talk will discuss the conceptualization of synthesized reinforcement contexts for adults with limited sense of agency and expressing choice who also display significant aggressive behavior. Further, this talk will underscore the importance of teaching an omnibus mand through Skills-based Treatment (SBT) to those with limited communication repertoires in order to promote autonomy and self-advocacy in congregate care and educational settings.

Using the Assessment of Adult Core Competencies (ACCEA) to Promote Independence: Success Stories and Implications for the Field
VALERIA PASCALE (ABA for Disability)
Abstract: Starting from adolescence, parents' expectations increase and the concerns about their future are based on many factors directly related to their independence, autonomy, and integration into the community. In the presence of a diagnosis of autism and severe problem behaviors these results seem to be unattainable. This talk will be covering the role that ACCEA curriculum plays in define the goals for adolescents and adults’ intervention to be effective in improving the quality life of the individual and his caregivers.



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Modifed by Eddie Soh