Association for Behavior Analysis International

The Association for Behavior Analysis International® (ABAI) is a nonprofit membership organization with the mission to contribute to the well-being of society by developing, enhancing, and supporting the growth and vitality of the science of behavior analysis through research, education, and practice.


49th Annual Convention; Denver, CO; 2023

Event Details

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Symposium #33
CE Offered: BACB
Recent Findings and Future Directions for Caregiver Training: Increasing Effectiveness and Social Validity
Saturday, May 27, 2023
11:00 AM–12:50 PM
Convention Center 401/402
Area: TBA/CSS; Domain: Applied Research
Chair: Casey Marsh (University of South Florida)
Discussant: Kerri P. Peters (University of Florida)
CE Instructor: Kacie McGarry, Ph.D.

This symposium includes four papers that involve the assessment and training of caregivers. In the first paper, Kacie McGarry will present a study involving the evaluation of an online training to increase parent’s language-promoting behavior. Results of the study point to next steps for evaluating training methods and the secondary effects of the training of their child’s behavior. In the second paper, Madison Molve will present a study describing an evaluation of BST to teach caregivers to identify choking hazards. Results of the study were consistent with previous research on using BST to teach hazard identification. In the third paper, Cressida Pacia will present a study evaluating the social validity and effectiveness of the Parent-Coaching Assessment, Individualization, and Response Stressors (PAIRS) tool to increase attendance and goal attainment. Results from further data analysis, as well as clinical implications, will be discussed. The fourth paper, presented by Daniel Kwak, explores the development and validation of a tool to inform culturally responsive parent training. Results found that the Values-Centered Assessment Tool (VCAT) was a valid and useful tool.

Instruction Level: Basic
Keyword(s): BST, Culturally Responsive, Parent Training, Social Validity
Target Audience:

N/A-Basic level for entry level clinicians or clinicians of all ranges

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion the presentation, participants will be able to: 1) Learn about assessment that can be conducted to provide culturally responsive services to families from diverse backgrounds.2) Understand the use of tools to increase the engagement 3) Identify treatment components that increase the effectiveness of training caregivers.
The Effect of Video Model Dosage and Self-Monitoring on Parent's Use of Language-Promoting Behavior
KACIE MCGARRY (University of Florida), Kimberly Sloman (The Scott Center for Autism Treatment/ Florida Institute of Technology ), Emily Dowling (Florida Institute of Technology), Laurel Esther Domino (Florida Institute of Technology )
Abstract: Previous research has found a disparity between the language trajectories of children within a high, medium, or low-economic-status family. A relationship is reliably found between the language trajectory of toddlers and success throughout school. This study evaluated a training package to teach parents to engage in behaviors that promote language and assess the training's short-term effect on the trajectories of children (i.e., growing language) within low-socioeconomic backgrounds. Specifically, the training package evaluated the impact of the dosage of video modeling, self-evaluation, and self-monitoring on the acquisition of the targeted skills. The results from this training inform the barriers and next steps to creating a low-cost training resource for organizations serving families.
Evaluating Behavioral Skills Training to Teach Identification of Choking Hazards to Substitute Caregivers
MADISON MOLVE (University of South Florida), Asha Fuller (University of South Florida), Kimberly Crosland (University of South Florida)
Abstract: Choking is a leading cause of mortality in children (Committee on Injury, Violence and Poison Prevention, 2010). Over half of choking injuries occur due to food, and the remaining injuries involve common household objects (Chapin et al., 2013). Although studies have been conducted assessing the use of Behavioral Skills Training (BST) to teach hazard identification in substitute caregivers (Abarca, 2021), no studies have evaluated utilizing BST to identify choking hazards specifically. Thus, this study evaluated the efficacy of using BST to teach non-edible choking hazard identification (Phase One) and edible choking hazard identification and correction (Phase Two) to substitute caregivers following guidelines from the Home Accident Prevention Inventory Revised Protocol (HAPI-R; Tertinger et al., 1984). The results indicate that all participants significantly improved their hazard identification and correction following BST in both phases. Generalization probes were high in baseline for all participants across phases; however, all participants scored 100% correct on the final generalization probes. Implications and future research considerations for choking prevention trainings will be discussed.

Preliminary Evaluation of the Parent-Coaching Assessment, Individualization, and Response to Stressors (PAIRS) Tool to Complement a Caregiver-Mediated Social Communication Intervention

CRESSIDA PACIA (University of Galway), Ciara Gunning (University of Galway), Aoife McTiernan (University of Galway), Jennifer Holloway (All Special Kids)

Best practice for early intervention for children with autism includes integration of behavioural and developmental strategies, caregiver involvement, focus on pivotal skills, and individualization (Zwaigenbaum et al., 2015). While evidence-based interventions meet these criteria (e.g., Project ImPACT; Ingersoll & Dvortcsak, 2013), behaviour analysts report difficulty engaging caregivers and tailoring interventions (Ingersoll et al., 2020). The Parent-coaching Assessment, Individualization, and Response to Stressors (PAIRS; Pacia et al., 2022) was developed to bridge this gap. This study explores social validity and preliminary effectiveness of PAIRS when used alongside Project ImPACT. Seventeenparent-child dyads receiving services from two community agencies participated. Participants from Agency A received Project ImPACT (treatment as usual; TAU), while participants from Agency B received Project ImPACT + PAIRS. Social validity was evaluated through interviews with parents and providers, and preliminary effectiveness was measured by comparing attendance and parent fidelity of strategy implementation. Preliminary qualitative data review found parents were satisfied with Project ImPACT + PAIRS, and providers found PAIRS feasible and acceptable. Preliminary quantitative data review found higher attendance and a larger increase from baseline in parent fidelity in the PAIRS group. Interestingly, higher fidelity scores were found in the TAU group. Results from further data analysis, as well as clinical implications, will be discussed.

Development and Validation of the Values-Centered Assessment Tool (VCAT) to Inform Culturally Responsive Parent Training and Intervention
DANIEL KWAK (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Kwang-Sun Cho Blair (University of South Florida), Danielle Ann Russo (University of South Florida )
Abstract: In this study, we aimed to develop the Values-Centered Assessment Tool (VCAT) intended for use by behavior analysts to design and provide culturally responsive behavioral assessment, training, and intervention for individuals who are from diverse cultural backgrounds. The VCAT was developed through review of literature and interviews with behavior analysts and was validated through an expert panel review. The final version of the VCAT included questions about potential involvement of other stakeholders, questions about cultural practices that should be considered, questions aimed to facilitate effective communication, questions aimed to build a collaborative and trusting relationship, questions on potential challenges in accessing and continuing services, and questions on current parenting practices. Major revisions made from the initially developed VCAT included the addition of (a) a questionnaire for parents, (b) information to guide interviewers (behavior analysts), (c) a separate version of the VCAT that parents can refer to, and (d) Spanish versions of the VCAT for both the interviewers and parents. It was found that the VCAT was content valid and a useful and feasible tool to design culturally responsive assessment, training, and intervention



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